Top 10 tips for the Job Interview

Every job interview is different, but if you as an applicant stick to a few basic things, there is hardly anything that can go wrong in an emergency. Our 10 job interview tips will help you to master getting to know each other in person with confidence!

Good preparation is winning half of the battle!

Of course you will be excited before your interview. However, good preparation will help you to boost your self-confidence and get your dream job . If you consistently implement the following points, you are definitely well prepared for your job interview.

Depending on the industry, different priorities are set in the interview. Here you will find all industry-specific tips for job interviews.

Researching the company

In order to be convincing in the interview, you should find out enough about the company in advance . What are the products? In which industry is the employer active and what are possible competitors? How many employees are there, how much turnover is achieved and what does the company philosophy say? A look at the company website is usually sufficient for the necessary knowledge. If you can bring this information to the interview, you prove to HR management that you have dealt intensively with the company as a potential employer.

Preparing your self-presentation

At the beginning of the interview, you will usually be asked to briefly tell us something about yourself. Don’t just rattle off your resume here . Prepare a short self-presentation . This should not last longer than two to three minutes and should address your most prominent stations. Make sure to connect and justify the stations with each other. This creates a common thread. It is also good to emphasize the practical experience and professional qualifications that match the desired position.

Job interview training

It is best if you practice typical situations in the job interview, such as role-playing games or nasty questions , in advance. this means nothing other than giving it some thought beforehand so that you appear confident in these situations during the interview.

Practice job interviews as a role play

Especially if it’s your first job interview, it doesn’t hurt to practice the interview in concrete terms. This job interview training sounds childish, but it is effective. So let your parents or friends ask you the typical questions . This puts you in the conversation situation and you can then get feedback on your answers . You’ll be more persuasive that way.

Question training for the job interview

Every job interview is different, but certain questions and topics are standard and can be practiced. In addition to your professional career, your personality is of interest to those responsible for human resources. Have you ever taken a personality test? It can help you better answer questions about your personality.

During the interview, you will also be asked questions about your strengths and weaknesses , your way of working, your dealings with colleagues or managers, and your leisure activities.

If you want to put yourself to the test, stress questions can also be used. Here, too, it is important to remain calm and not lose concentration.

Use body language correctly.

Since you are constantly sending signals to those around you with your body language, HR managers also pay attention to this. Gestures , facial expressions , eye contact , posture and speaking are of particular interest. Tension and nervousness make body language unconvincing, such as not making eye contact. If you are too tense, trained observers will quickly notice it. Some gestures or postures can also appear defensive and sometimes aggressive, such as crossing your arms over your chest.

Another good option is mirroring. It means mimicking (but not aping!). This also creates sympathy in the subconscious.


  • When the other person laughs, you laugh too. But please don’t be too affected.
  • If the other person leans forward, do the same.
  • When the other person takes a glass, you take a sip too.

But you shouldn’t overdo it by following every movement. If you’re more concerned with observing the recruiter’s movements than paying attention to the questions, it’s suboptimal. But if you know the basic principle, you can apply it profitably on a selective basis.

Speak clearly.

One of the most important tips: Speak slowly and clearly. That seems more competent than when someone speaks very quickly. In addition, it interrupts the flow of the conversation when HR managers do not understand the answers correctly or have to ask questions. This works best if you sit up straight, keep your head straight and look forward. So the way you normally sit and talk. You can also practice this wonderfully in the preparation with your friends or family. If necessary, your cat will also listen to you.

Take notes

Notes prevent you from forgetting important points that you could take up later with your own questions. It also shows genuine interest and conveys a structured way of working. The notes can also help to reflect on the interview afterwards in order to learn from it for later interviews . So take a notepad and a good pen with you. Despite digitization, however, it is strange when you sit there with an iPad or mobile phone and “type along”.

Answer questions individually

Avoid giving standard answers to standard questions. Trained HR managers notice immediately when you have memorized the answers from guides. The solution is: Always make a reference to yourself, your career, the position you are looking for or the company in the answers.

By the way, you can already provoke certain questions with your application documents . List your hobbies as better than exercise, reading, and cooking. Instead of just “sport” you dance salsa or boulder. And if you like to cook, then please specify and state your affinity for Thai or Spanish cuisine. You can also show social commitment not only in your CV, but also in your self-presentation. This results in interesting points of contact for small talk for those responsible for human resources .

Ask your own questions

Highly qualified applicants in particular are expected to ask their own questions in the interview . If you don’t do this, you are showing disinterest or shyness – and that doesn’t go down well. But beware: Try to ask relevant questions.

If the hiring manager asks if you have any questions about the company, addressing the salary directly will give the wrong impression. Here, too, it helps to be prepared: On the one hand, you can think about questions in advance and write them down, other questions will arise during the conversation. You can ask about specific aspects of the job, about induction or about further training opportunities.

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