Tips to Motivate Your Employees


Motivation is of importance for any area; if it is applied in the workplace, it can be achieved that motivated employees strive to have a better performance in their work. A satisfied person who appreciates his work, transmits it and enjoys serving his clients; if that is not possible, at least it will try. Motivation consists fundamentally in maintaining corporate cultures and values ​​that lead to high performance. For this reason, what can be done to stimulate individuals and groups to give the best of themselves? In such a way that it favors both the interests of the organization as well as their own.

Employees must be motivated, “so that they want to” and “so that they can” perform their work satisfactorily, “Labor Motivation” is an important part in achieving business efficiency, because it has been discovered that the quality of employees Services largely depend on the person providing them.

The pillars on which human capital is supported can be summarized in the skills to perform certain tasks, in the knowledge and techniques that are applied in the performance and in the motivation of the worker to put them into practice and develop them. Companies are organizations in constant change, so it is critical that their human capital be able to adapt to successive changes by promoting learning, maintaining a good work environment and continuously updating knowledge so that no one runs the risk to be out of the market.

Encourage Creativity

It is important to encourage creativity, new ideas, initiative towards an established goal, our doors should be open, give them the opportunity to express themselves, whatever is necessary so that they do not feel oppressed or frustrated.

Provide an environment for employees to make their decisions, listen to their analysis, how they came to those decisions, ask “what if” questions and, of course, respect them.

Motivation is the willingness to make an effort that allows the achievement of the goals established by the organization, so that the effort made allows satisfying the needs of the individual. The 3 main components of motivation in an organizational setting are: individual effort, organizational goals and individual needs.

Get involved with the Results

Share their progress with them, listen to how they plan to reach their goals and reinforce their strengths, make them see how to improve their weaknesses, they should feel in you a support rather than an obstacle.

When they say “our company”, “my office”, “my work”, they are identified with the company, help them to grow that sense of belonging, this will result in much less staff turnover than you imagine.

Help Them Grow

What if you give them training? What if you put in their hands publications related to your industry? What if you send them to events where they can exchange experiences? You will be providing them with training, you will be enhancing their skills, and you will be making them grow. Why is it important to motivate our employees? Among many possible answers, it is to get them to have the company’s “t-shirt on right.” Do not forget: “work is your second home”.

Provide feedback on the performance of each of the employees, indicating the points where you have observed their progress and those that can be improved by adding some recommendations for that purpose. Try to meet with them as often as your duties allow, to discuss issues that may cause them concern or concern. Maybe eating together or coffee in the afternoon can be good ideas.

Empower training – facilitate the employee or encourage him to undergo training in diverse and complete tasks, such as leadership and people management, finance, innovation and change, marketing, strategy, management of complex negotiations.

Boosting coaching – This technique aimed at achieving and achieving goals and achievements has spread widely among managerial profiles, who are the ones who handle decisions, budgets and teams. It is common sense that is often necessary to apply in solving problems.

Read More: How to create a positive work environment?

Motivate the employee: carrying out adequate communication in the company helps to reduce errors in the activity, reduce physical and mental stress, promotes the creation of good relationships between colleagues, promotes teamwork, increases efficiency, aligns interests and maintains interest in what is important.

Develop skills: regardless of the size of the company and also for the self-employed, it is necessary to collect good practices or the best way of executing tasks in a document. Collect knowledge and processes in matters such as logistics, design, sales techniques, product manual, etc. It will serve to add value to the worker.

Promote leadership: it is essential to believe in what you do and work to earn attention because people who attract attention and have followers move forward, progress and innovate, building their identity and shaping their personality in the activity they carry out.

Thank them And Rewards Excellence

Sincerely thank them for their efforts. A simple mention of Thank you very much! Can be enough, they will feel that they are important to you. Recognizes and rewards workers who present an extraordinary performance, beyond some “financial bonus”, many employees will feel better with some public recognition. Perhaps sharing the achievements of a team member with the rest of the company.

The celebration does justice to the efforts made to achieve success, at least once a month celebrate all the achievements of your employees so that they have more reasons to keep going, perhaps a “Successes” board would be excellent.