Importance of Networking When Finding a Job


An active career network is very crucial in the job market today for both the job seekers and those who want to move up the career ladder. It can help an individual grow his career and get hired quickly. Career networking, therefore, involves making good use of professional, academic, and personal contacts to assist with job search and to achieve personal career goals.

Consequently, it is all about nurturing long-term relationships with diverse people that you meet in professional meetings and conferences or unexpected places like sports leagues and coffee hubs. In this way, career networking is vital for any career success, and it is advisable to build your network as you try to expand your professional connection.

Network online                                           

Make good use of social media platforms and other online networking websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Telegram to help you get in touch with specific companies and other networkers in your field.

Take a bold step to talk to your connections on social media platforms and be proactive in your conversations.

Note that social media job searching sites are useful tools that help most hiring managers to get to know more about their potential employees before they interact with them.

LinkedIn, in this case, increases your visibility and connections, so that prospective employers and recruiters can find you with ease.

Network with the right people

Ensure that your career network circle includes people who can help you with job search and career growth. These individuals can consist of the present and past colleagues, co-workers, and close friends who have the same interests as you do.

Furthermore, your network can as well include neighbors, family friends, and anyone close who might have a job connection that will be of great benefit.

Engage your career network

Keep in touch with your career network and engage them regularly. Asking someone how they are doing through a phone call or sending a brief email to say hello is a kind act that might influence someone to give you a job lead. Note that most people are more willing to assist when they know the kind of person you are.

On the other hand, be willing to share with your network frequently. If you come across a relevant article or job lead and listing that might benefit your network, reciprocate by sharing it. Be willing to write recommendations for former co-workers and colleagues who are moving to better jobs.

Moreover, always keep track of your network electronically and ensure that you know where they work, what they do, and the most appropriate way to get in touch with each one of them.

Network at work

If you already have a job, make good use of your professional network.  These include your direct clients, colleagues, and managers who can help you in your career path. To achieve this, be excellent in what you do and strive for opportunities beyond what you do daily as you work on assignments that help you grow professionally.

Remember to be friendly in your workplace and take some moments to consciously smile before saying “hi” to someone you have never talked to at work. Always pay attention to office invites at work as this might pose an excellent opportunity to know more about people and may give you a chance to display the skills that you don’t put to use in your daily job.

Be on the forefront to welcome new co-workers in the workplace, as this might allow you to share your experiences and get to know more about their background. With this, therefore, you may get to discover that your new colleagues have a common interest as you do, or they may have immense expertise in one of the areas that you have always wanted to learn about.

As a result, you will have a more influential professional and casual network that will significantly help grow your network circle.

Career networking events

Attend both formal and informal career networking events that will immensely help you to expand the number of networking contacts.

Professional conferences

If you are looking for a new job or you are unemployed and searching for a job opportunity, attend workshops and professional conferences. Lifelong connections have been known to be made through such conferences as it will allow you to connect with someone who works in a company you have always desired to work in.

Career fairs

Career fairs provide good forums where all job seekers meet in one place. Most employers attend career fairs when recruiting for specific jobs and use this opportunity to give information about their companies and employment opportunities available. It is advisable to arrive early at the career fair meetings and be sure to leave after you connect with at least two or three employers and recruiters.

Read More: Things to Consider When Finding a Job

Church groups and gatherings

Church gatherings are known to provide an open forum for informal networking with people who have a common spiritual belief.

Try attending such a forum and participate in after church service activities as you try to connect with various people who will eventually provide leads to your desired job.

Job club meetings

Ensure that you join a job search club consisting of a group of job seekers. Such a club will help you get an insight into new trends in your job search, and members in the club might recommend job leads and give advice as well as encouragement in your job search.

Moreover, members in the club may also help in identifying job openings that they may think are fit for their members. Besides, members in the club may help in giving feedback on your resumes and cover letters and aid you in preparation for an upcoming interview. Deductively, the power of networking should never be overlooked or discounted since it has proved to provide a platform where professionals, as well as friends, share knowledge and information. It is, therefore, an excellent way to hear about upcoming job opportunities and get a chance to work in a company of your choice.