

Why should we hire you?

A question often asked during an application interview, but also a question that is often answered very badly. The most frequent answers are: “You should hire me because I have excellent team spirit” “Because I need money” “Because I am able to work hard” We can tell you in advance that these are not the […]


Why Nobody Responds to my CV’s?

In recent times you have sent hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes in response to the most diverse job advertisements. But you begin to believe that it is useless: you have not received a single reply to any of the shipments made! It is at these moments when your doubts begin to surface. Will you […]


Tips to Motivate Your Employees

Motivation is of importance for any area; if it is applied in the workplace, it can be achieved that motivated employees strive to have a better performance in their work. A satisfied person who appreciates his work, transmits it and enjoys serving his clients; if that is not possible, at least it will try. Motivation […]


Tips To Motivate Yourself in Your Job Search

The high rate of unemployment, together with the great competition in the market, makes the job search difficult and daunting, leading people to take longer time than expected to get a job. What to do when months have passed and you have looked for a job in every possible way and the result has not […]

The 5 Why Process And Why it Matters

The 5 Why process is a problem-solving technique used to identify the root cause of a problem. The 5 Why process involves asking “why” questions five times in order to delve deeper into the problem and understand the underlying causes. The idea behind the 5 Why process is that by asking “why” repeatedly, you can […]


hen making a decision to change a job, a person is guided by a number of reasons, from reasonable and rational to reckless and unreasonable – you didn’t like it, outgrown it, got bored, quarreled, underestimated, underpaid … There can be a lot of reasons, and if you are increasingly thinking about changing jobs, this […]


Having an exceptional resume that stands out is an added advantage to attract recruiters and hiring managers and to help you land on your next job. Your resume, therefore, ought to summarize your skills and accomplishments and should be readable.  Here are essential resume tips that will significantly help you to design your resume uniquely. […]


Job hunting can be tough, and it is so easy to get discouraged during the process, especially if you’ve been looking for a job for a very long time. It is, therefore, essential to stay positive throughout the search and to motivate yourself even when you feel frustrated. Here are essential strategies to help you […]

What is motivation

Managers tend to view motivation as an activity aimed at shaping employee behavior patterns that best contribute to the achievement of corporate goals. Specialists in the field of personnel motivation do not use the word “motivation” to refer to activities, but rather use terms such as “motivation system” and “motivational management”. For motivation, as a characteristic […]

What are the next great technology ideas worth knowing?

The Greatest Technology Trends and Ideas for 2022 For many, 2021 has been a year of more downs than ups, but the same really can’t be said for technology. Every problem is an opportunity for innovation, and despite the pandemic, the field of technology hasn’t stopped making people’s lives better.  2021 was a year of […]