Finance – Serto Ader Work to Create Value! Thu, 09 Feb 2023 07:23:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Finance – Serto Ader 32 32 Why Nobody Responds to my CV’s? Fri, 25 Mar 2022 20:55:21 +0000 In recent times you have sent hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes in response to the most diverse job advertisements. But you begin to believe that it is useless: you have not received a single reply to any of the shipments made! It is at these moments when your doubts begin to surface. Will you be doing something wrong?

Have you ever applied for dozens of jobs online only to receive no news, or even a hint of interest? You are not alone. Job seekers often say that applying for a job online is like throwing their resume into a black hole. It seems that this is not far from the truth. Almost only 2% of candidates who apply for a job online manage to get an interview. For those of you who aren’t great at math, that barely equates to 1 in 50 candidates getting an interview!

Are you aiming at the right target?

Surely you think that this is a very obvious and not very logical question. You know better than anyone what kind of job you are looking for, right? We do not doubt it, but if you are not called for an interview after sending many resumes, perhaps it is because, despite your good will, you are not on the right track. Stop for a moment and reflect before continuing with your extensive investigation. And it is not the same to pretend to work as a waiter than as an electrician, no matter how much you have had a relationship with both professions.

Therefore, before applying for a job or submitting your spontaneous application to a company, you should analyze what your most outstanding skills and professional goals are. If you manage to be very clear about these points, you will be able to know which are your most suitable jobs and you will save a lot of time and useless effort by sending CV without rhyme or reason.

A professional image, something essential

Never forget that a curriculum vitae is the best tool you have at your disposal to “sell” your candidacy as the ideal one for a job. Therefore, it is important that you do your best to get a resume with a professional image whose reading generates positive responses and, therefore, avoids you being unemployed for months. Without a doubt, this will be your best investment for the future. If you want to get more than one company to respond to your job applications, it is essential that you personalize your resume. Make an effort to write a specific CV for each position, adapting it 100% to its characteristics and you will see how effective you can be in your job search.

We propose a little trick that summarizes what has been said so far: if you can’t get an appointment for any job interview, try to put yourself in the place of the selector of each process and write your resume according to what he wants to read. You will be able to stand out above the rest. And do not forget that your success depends on it!

Stand out above the rest

It is very common for a job offer to bring together more than 500 applicants. How can you ensure that your resume does not get lost in the tide of papers from all of them? If you want to make sure that the recruiters read it, and therefore give you the opportunity for an interview, you have to be very clear that the key is in the difference. Try to get out of the stipulated channels of sending resumes and try to reach the company in a more original way than the others. Why not, for example, publish your CV on the Internet and send the address of your website to the human resources managers of the company where you want to work? Today you have at your fingertips numerous possibilities that can make your creativity and desire to excel evident.

Your resume is too long or too short

Well yes, there is a middle ground that recruiters look for when it comes to resume length. With a CV of 1 or 2 pages, you will not go wrong. If it’s only half a page, it means you have little to brag about or just haven’t bothered to write a detailed account of your work history. If you stretch your resume to 3-4 pages, it reveals that you have no filters and lack the all-important ability to focus on the most important skills. Some will tell you that a resume should ideally be a single page, but most recruiters will still be fine with going through a 2-page resume.

Your skills do not match the job description

Any recruiter will tell you that a resume that reflects the job description will have a much better chance of being selected. Too many people prioritize quantity over quality by applying for hundreds of jobs from the same CV, hoping to find a match. Rather than wasting your time applying for lots of jobs you’re not even sure you want (or maybe didn’t even know about!), focus a little more on the jobs you want.. Look for positions that give you some heart palpitations and that match your skills and professional expectations. Then spend the time it takes to make sure your resume is tailored to reflect the skills and requirements of the job description. Hiring managers usually list the skills and qualifications they ideally want in their job description (they don’t always expect candidates to have them all!).

Read More: Why should we hire you?

So if you can demonstrate that you possess several of these ideal qualities, you could naturally place yourself as the ideal candidate for the position. Hiring managers usually list the skills and qualifications they ideally want in their job description (they don’t always expect candidates to have them all!). So if you can demonstrate that you possess several of these ideal qualities, you could naturally place yourself as the ideal candidate for the position. Hiring managers usually list the skills and qualifications they ideally want in their job description (they don’t always expect candidates to have them all!). So if you can demonstrate that you possess several of these ideal qualities, you could naturally place yourself as the ideal candidate for the position.

Your resume doesn’t stand out in any way

Each position posted online receives an average of over 100 applications. This means that you are in competition with many people! If your resume blends in and looks like the other 99 applications the recruiter has received, chances are your resume is going unnoticed. Make sure it reflects your personality a bit. We’re not asking you to overdo it by using weird colors and fonts (please refrain!) to grab attention, but a unique and tasteful concept or a bit of personality or humor could go a long way to make your resume a little different from the norm. This is especially the case if you are in a creative field. When you’re competing with so many people, as with online job applications, it’s crucial that you grab some attention. Just be sure, once you’ve caught a recruiter’s attention, to follow up with a resume that contains all the necessary information.

Review your resume until exhaustion

Now we are not going to tell you again what the characteristics of a perfect resume are, but we do want to make you notice that it is very easy to make absurd mistakes when writing it. Never stop reviewing your CV before sending it to avoid slips that will later be impossible to solve.

Think that an error in any of the factors mentioned in this article may be key to your application being rejected even before you are scheduled for an interview. Before thinking that your professional experience is not good enough to get a job, analyze all these points. You will see that they are key for you to succeed in sending your resume!

CHANGING JOBS – Why not! Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:06:46 +0000 hen making a decision to change a job, a person is guided by a number of reasons, from reasonable and rational to reckless and unreasonable – you didn’t like it, outgrown it, got bored, quarreled, underestimated, underpaid … There can be a lot of reasons, and if you are increasingly thinking about changing jobs, this is normal, you are not alone.

People tend to seek career change for many diverse reasons ranging from the wish to make more money to the discovery of new interests and goals that one would wish to pursue. Therefore, before you change your career, it is advisable to take some time to decide whether your career needs some change and to pick on a career that will be more satisfying. To achieve this, the following are important strategies to adopt for a successful career change.

In general, if you decide that there are more reasons to change jobs than reasons to stay, and they are good enough, then go ahead and look for a new job. Good luck with this!

1. Assess your current job

Before you think of exploring another career, take your time to evaluate your current job satisfaction. Think of the current aspects of your job that you like and dislike then evaluate whether your dissatisfactions are connected to the company and the content of your work. Hence, you will be able to assess your present situation to help you take an alternative career path.

2. Evaluate your skills and experience

Take your time to evaluate your current skills and experience to determine whether you have developed enough to change your current job. Review your past experiences and accomplishments to help you highlight the skills necessary in your next career.

3. Create your vision

Do not merely change your career because you want a high paying job but instead, take some time to assess whether your current job will make you achieve your personal career goals. Create a vision for your future career by focusing on what you enjoy doing and the type of work you find rewarding. As a result, you will develop an interest in new opportunities that will shape your future career.

4. Improve your skills

Consider taking a course or two online to help bridge your gap and background to your new field. Explore educational opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills and to boost your chances of landing into a new job. Furthermore, identify different ways to develop new skills in your current job to help pave the way for a career change

5. Check out on alternative careers

Research various career options that match your skills through the internet and discuss your skills and values with your friends and family. Moreover, evaluate several fields that fit your qualifications and consider consulting with a professional career counselor for advice.

6. Request for informational interviews

Reach out to people in your target companies and careers who have firsthand information about the job alternatives that you are interested in. Request for in-depth information and guidance in your career path and schedule interviews with them if possible.

7. Update your social media platforms

Optimize your search engines and ensure that your professional LinkedIn profile is up-to-date. Figure out how you can improve your visibility online and incorporate keywords on your profile that explains your expertise and industry. As a result, the keywords on your profile description will help you to get noticed by potential employers in different companies looking for ideal candidates in your field.

8. Continue networking

Always be vigilant on networking opportunities wherever you are and try starting new conversations when you meet new people. Be sure to carry business cards when you attend both professional and casual networking events and always be ready to give a positive first impression. To achieve this, be confident to talk about your background and what you hope to accomplish in your career.

9.  Understand the cost of changing jobs

When an opportunity to change a job comes up, do not rush to make a final decision because of the high salary and compensation numbers offered. Take your time to study the associated costs involved in the new job and calculate the amount of money you will take home since it’s not about what you make but what you keep.

10. Have a conversation with your current manager

Once you have made a final decision to change your job, have a conversation with your manager, and highlight concrete reasons why you would wish to explore another career path.

Be calm and confident during the conversation, and make him see the necessity of your career change.

Such a step will be advantageous to the current company you’re working with since they will have time to prepare for your resignation, and it will help the company make early arrangements for your benefits and recommendation letters.

Moreover, talking with the manager about your plans might increase your chances of being considered in the same company for a higher post based on your experiences and skills.

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RESUME TIPS Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:06:42 +0000 Having an exceptional resume that stands out is an added advantage to attract recruiters and hiring managers and to help you land on your next job. Your resume, therefore, ought to summarize your skills and accomplishments and should be readable.  Here are essential resume tips that will significantly help you to design your resume uniquely.

Choose the right resume format

Note that there are three major types of resumes to choose from depending on the professional requirements in the job description. Basically, these are chronological, functional, or target resumes, and you need to take your time to decide on one that fits your skills, educational, and work experience. In a nutshell, chronological resumes start with a listing of your work history, having the most recent position listed first. Consequently, these kinds of resumes are typically preferred by employers since it is easy to see the type of roles you have worked on quickly.

On the contrary, functional resumes only focus on your skills and experience and not much on your work history. Such types of resumes work so well with people who have big gaps in their work history. Lastly, target resumes are a blend of chronological and functional resumes. If you prefer this type of resume, ensure that you combine well the skills that you have with your chronological work history.

Remember, everything you put on your resume should be relevant to your position.

Review resumes samples

As you craft and update your resume, go through the best examples of resumes online and from your industry that matches your professional and employment situation. Select the best style and format that aligns with your accomplishments and skills. Importantly, as you review examples of resumes, always remember that you are not supposed to copy the samples but instead use them as guides to show you how to improve your resume.

Ensure that you choose between 10-12 resume font sizes for the hiring manager to easily read your resume since most employers have limited time to go through your resume. Select a basic clean font such as Times New Roman or Arial that is clear and readable to help make your resume appear professional and legible. Moreover, make sure that you eliminate extraneous whitespaces to ensure that your resume is clear and focused.

Highlight keywords in the job posting

Take your time to read job descriptions and postings of different jobs advertised carefully. Study every job description for important keywords to identify what the employer is looking for in a candidate. Then, creatively align the keywords in your resume to fit your skills and achievements.

Use numbers in your resume

Adding numbers in your resume help to quantify your accomplishments. As a result, your potential employers will be able to see what you have achieved in your career, and they will act as a basis for persuasive negotiation when it comes to salary range and rises.

If you decide to attach a photo to your resume, then take its choice very carefully. Leave home photos, pictures from a vacation or a New Year’s corporate party in your personal archive.

Craft a specific resume profile

Tailor your resume profile to match the job that you desire and include a profile statement that consists of your job goal to get the employer’s attention. Consequently, this will give an overview of your experiences, skills, and goals and will serve to indicate to the hiring manager that you are qualified for the job you have applied for.

Remember to include your contact information in your resume to ensure that potential employers easily get in touch with you. Include the correct phone number and email address, your full name that exists in all your job application documents, street address, and even city’s zip code at the top of your resume. If you don’t give detailed or correct contact information, employers won’t be able to get in touch with you easily.

There is nothing difficult in writing an effective resume. In most cases, just getting rid of unnecessary information is enough, but there are other important points.

Prioritize and Customize Content

Your most relevant achievements and experiences in your resume ought to be listed first. To draw attention, ensure that the most essential information on your skills and accomplishments are the first to be read by the hiring managers since most hiring managers tend to spend an approximate of 6 seconds on every resume they receive.

Personalize your resume to fit each job you are applying for that perfectly match with your skills and experience. Therefore, make sure that your customized resume addresses specific requirements mentioned in the job description to give you an advantage over other candidates and to increase your chances of getting the job.

Write using active language

You should write your resume using active words such as accomplished, earned, achieved, completed, and concise sentences. Avoid using clichés with outdated business jargon and strengthen the effectiveness of your resume by using powerful action verbs that clarify your contributions and achievements in a confident tone.

Proofread and edit your resume

Before you send your resume, ensure that you go through it on your own and have a second set of eyes, maybe a friend or a professional career counselor, to ensure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors. Note that minor spelling errors and typos in your resume can reduce your chances of getting a job.

When reviewing a large number of resumes, an HR manager is more likely to take a closer look at well-structured resumes. Divide it into semantic parts, use lists, the summary should be informative, but at the same time concise. Remember that your resume should be easy to work with.

Submit your resume properly

Follow instructions on the job posting on how to submit your CV. Check out if the employer requires you to attach your resume to an email message or in a specific format, either in PDF or DOC format. Ensure that you have included all the information required before submitting your CV and at the bottom of the email message, include your contact information.

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Ways TO STAY MOTIVATED WHILE LOOKING FOR A JOB Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:06:35 +0000 Job hunting can be tough, and it is so easy to get discouraged during the process, especially if you’ve been looking for a job for a very long time. It is, therefore, essential to stay positive throughout the search and to motivate yourself even when you feel frustrated. Here are essential strategies to help you remain enthusiastic and positive throughout the search.

Get ready

Always have everything that you need for the job search ready when looking for a job. Your LinkedIn profile and resume ought to be updated, have your references ready with a clear plan to organize your job search. Getting organized will, therefore, help you to be motivated in the process and increase your chances of making an excellent first impression when an opportunity comes up.

Have a job search routine

Create a regular job search routine and consider it a full-time job to help you get organized in your job hunting process and to remain motivated. To achieve this, set a consistent start time and end time daily for your job hunting and follow it strictly to remain focused.

Set goals

Write down measurable and motivating goals to achieve daily. For instance, plan to attend a networking event and make a list of target companies that you would wish to work with then try to contact references in your list. As a result of setting achievable goals, it will give you a sense of moving forward and a reason to remain motivated during the job search.


Join a club of jobseekers

Having a networking club of jobseekers is an essential source of moral support since job searching can be a lonely and disheartening experience. Make it a habit to network with anyone looking for a job to help you tap job opportunities through connections. Furthermore, organize to meet up with job seekers regularly to share experience and to get advice.

Exercise and keep fit

Looking for a job can be stressful, and it is advisable to eat well and to look for time to exercise to boost your energy levels.  Set aside time every day to forget about your job hunting and engage in something you enjoy doing, such as watching your favorite movies, going for a walk, or working out in a gym.

Network in person

Take your time to network with the people you know and let them know that you are looking for employment. Spend time with your former classmates, colleagues, and close friends to help you out with job leads and don’t hesitate to ask them for job search assistance. Hence, when more people around you get to know that you are looking for a job, there are higher chances of getting employed.


Volunteering is a fantastic experience and an excellent way to feel motivated when you think that you are helping others. Look for a volunteer organization that is related to your career goals and what interests you. Remember that volunteer organizations will provide you with a unique networking experience and will help build your resume.

Focus on your best qualities

Make it a habit to review your best skills, accomplishments, and qualities regularly. These qualities will, therefore, help you when writing your resumes and cover letters and when practicing for upcoming interviews. Importantly, reviewing what makes you an ideal candidate daily will help boost your morale and confidence during the job hunting process.

Learn to move on quickly

After you apply for a job, it is easy to become frustrated when you don’t hear from the employer after a week or two. Note that if you don’t hear from the employer soon enough, move on and cancel that job from your list, then focus on the next job opportunity. Think of every experience as an opportunity to make you a better candidate to help you maintain a positive mindset during your job search.

Read inspirational materials

Expose yourself to inspirational books, magazines, blogs, and TV programs that uplift your spirit and make you realize that the world is a wonderful place to be. Moreover, read biographies of successful people to help you get motivated and to realize that every successful person encountered setbacks in their success journey.

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What is motivation Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:06:28 +0000 Managers tend to view motivation as an activity aimed at shaping employee behavior patterns that best contribute to the achievement of corporate goals. Specialists in the field of personnel motivation do not use the word “motivation” to refer to activities, but rather use terms such as “motivation system” and “motivational management”.

For motivation, as a characteristic of an individual or an employee, the following definitions are often given:

  • Motivation is a set of factors that motivate human behavior.
  • Motivation is an internal energy that includes a person’s activity in life and at work.
  • Motivation is the enthusiasm and desire to work, achieve goals, and is as valuable a resource as office space or payroll.
  • Motivation is an emotional state that motivates a person to act in a certain direction. Motive (from the old – French motivus) literally “incitement to action.”

Thus, motivation is something that cannot be brought in from outside. This, which is “inside” a person, is part of his personality. It is impossible to motivate a person in a directive, violent way. The system of motivation and motivational management address the internal motives of a person and activate them.

Motivation is what explains why people or animals initiate, continue or terminate a certain behavior at a particular time. Motivational states are commonly understood as forces acting within the agent that create a disposition to engage in goal-directed behavior. It is often held that different mental states compete with each other and that only the strongest state determines behavior. This means that we can be motivated to do something without actually doing it. The paradigmatic mental state providing motivation is desire. But various other states, such as beliefs about what one ought to do or intentions, may also provide motivation.

Various competing theories have been proposed concerning the content of motivational states. They are known as content theories and aim to describe what goals usually or always motivate people. Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the ERG theory, for example, posit that humans have certain needs, which are responsible for motivation. Some of these needs, like for food and water, are more basic than other needs, such as for respect from others. On this view, the higher needs can only provide motivation once the lower needs have been fulfilled. Behaviorist theories try to explain behavior solely in terms of the relation between the situation and external, observable behavior without explicit reference to conscious mental states.

Motivation may be either intrinsic, if the activity is desired because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable, or extrinsic, if the agent’s goal is an external reward distinct from the activity itself. It has been argued that intrinsic motivation has more beneficial outcomes than extrinsic motivation. Motivational states can also be categorized according to whether the agent is fully aware of why he acts the way he does or not, referred to as conscious and unconscious motivation. Motivation is closely related to practical rationality. A central idea in this field is that we should be motivated to perform an action if we believe that we should perform it. Failing to fulfill this requirement results in cases of irrationality, known as akrasia or weakness of the will, in which there is a discrepancy between our beliefs about what we should do and our actions.

Research on motivation has been employed in various fields. In the field of business, a central question concerns work motivation, for example, what measures an employer can use to ensure that his employees are motivated. Motivation is also of particular interest to educational psychologists because of its crucial role in student learning. Specific interest has been given to the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in this field.

   This is not an external influence on a person, but more a study of his aspirations, desires, needs, goals, values ​​that determine his behavior. The motivation system serves to satisfy needs, aspirations, values, etc. in a variety of ways, thereby creating the company’s most valuable resource, which is called a motivated employee.

  A motivated employee is one whose eyes are “burning”, who goes to work “as if on a holiday”, internally needs the work process, is attached to it and gets real pleasure. A motivated employee is able to increase the productivity not only of his own work, but also of his less motivated colleagues.


And so what do we have?

Motivation is an internal state of a person, so the influence from the outside such as “carrot and stick” has a very limited effect on the results.

 Managers are entirely responsible for the motivation of employees (“The fish rots from the head”). Thus, one of the most important tasks of managers is to create a motivational environment.

 A person’s motivation reflects both the individual characteristics of the individual and the characteristics of the society he represents. Due to historical reasons and characteristics of the transition period in modern society, labor resources tend to choose work according to the amount of earnings.

In order to ensure the maximum return on labor resources, that is, to create a motivated employee, you need to turn to his internal motives, which originate in individual needs, aspirations and values.

The motivation system should study the individual needs, aspirations and values ​​of the employee and create conditions for their satisfaction at work.

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What are the next great technology ideas worth knowing? Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:06:20 +0000 The Greatest Technology Trends and Ideas for 2022

For many, 2021 has been a year of more downs than ups, but the same really can’t be said for technology. Every problem is an opportunity for innovation, and despite the pandemic, the field of technology hasn’t stopped making people’s lives better. 

2021 was a year of many technology trends, and they are to continue this year. Furthermore, some devices and frameworks may be finally hitting the market. We present to you the next great technology ideas worth knowing in 2022.

Meta Verse

As popular news channel CNBC pointed out, 2022 will be the biggest year for metaverse, and that claim couldn’t be more accurate. Metaverse is a computer-generated virtual world, where users can communicate with each other as if they are doing a real-life interaction. 

Currently, the closest example to the metaverse are online games using VR technology, such as Fortnite and Minecraft. Other developments include Facebook’s name change to ‘Meta,’ and the company has already revealed that it is working to create a meta world, which will be more advanced than anything we have seen of that sort before. 

Augmented Reality Devices

Meta verse is going to go through an immense development. But what about the tools that make it possible?

More companies will be releasing Augmented Reality devices, including glasses and headsets that allow users to be ‘transported’ to virtual 3D spaces in real-time. These devices are prevalent mainly in the entertainment and gaming sectors from a general standpoint. Still, smart glasses such as Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 have been designed for the work environment, especially in the construction and health sector.

Quantum Computing

Even if quantum computing is still on its baby steps, 2022 will see increased investments and development in the field. To understand quantum computing, you need a general introduction to quantum mechanics. It is a physics theory that emphasizes the study of particles at atomic and subatomic levels.

With today’s computers getting incredibly smaller, this has created a situation where we may be reaching the limits in terms of size. These days, typical transistors are ‘500’ times smaller than the size of the Red Blood Cells. It is difficult to manage the electrical and data flow within the devices at such levels.

However, with quantum computing, we can directly work with the atomic properties of the tiniest computer hardware. This means that computers can get even smaller, which means more parts are fitted in lesser space, and computers are bigger.

Emergency Time Tech

We can’t talk about technology ideas worth knowing in 2022 without emergency tech. The COVID-19 pandemic showed how the world was very much underprepared during dire emergencies. This has led our good friend tech to create more technologies meant for emergency response.

We are going to see the development of more emergency signals sent with wearable devices, drones and CCTV cameras sending automated messages to authorities during emergency and the creation of more emergency management software.

Pre-Trained Language Models

Of course, we will see more advanced and complicated software in the coming years, but the creation of software will become easier. A pre-trained language model makes computers’ as intelligent as humans when it comes to a particular programming language.

Pre-trained language models will allow developers, as well as the general public, to create more programs and applications with limited coding. In addition, it will enable the creation of applications that can be customized by the users, resulting in more personalized computer programs.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

2021 was definitely a time to remember for blockchain and cryptocurrency. As per Coinmarketcap, there were a little more than 11000 cryptocurrencies in May 2021. This number has already risen to more than 16000 by the start of 2022.

Influencers such as Elon Musk have played their part to promote blockchain technology (which makes cryptocurrency possible), and we will see more businesses implement it directly in their services. In other words, more companies in the banking, technology, and finance space will facilitate payments in the preferred cryptocurrencies.


More destructive viruses and more powerful antiviruses. And more powerful tools on the side of both black-hat and white-hat hackers. From a neutral standpoint, the development in the cybersecurity sector will be more and more interesting.

In 2022, we will see technology companies collaborate with businesses and the legal sectors to create more powerful security software. In addition, mainstream Operating Systems such as Windows, Android and Mac OS are going to add more security features and frameworks. 


Biotech is the field of science that combines biology and technology. AI-enabled biotech showed just how important it could be as humans were able to create vaccines for COVID-19 way earlier than anticipated.

Biotech is the place to delve in as a new tech trend and for anyone looking for technology ideas in 2022. It can be used not only in health but in the construction, manufacturing and durable goods, and the environmental sectors.

Big Data Analysis

As its name suggests, big data analysis is analyzing data in the greatest of detail. It is the process of being as specific as possible when studying and generating conclusions from various data sets. 

Big data analysis requires artificial intelligence and data scientists. It’s primarily used for understanding consumer trends, behaviors, revenue opportunities, etc. Thus, big data analysis enables businesses to become more accurate and productive when it comes to products and consumer satisfaction. 


Specifically for app owners and developers looking for technology ideas for 2022, gamification just can’t be missed. It is the process of adding gaming elements in non-game environments. In addition, the trends of gamification within games, or say rewards, is also going to increase.

With cryptocurrency, gamification has become even more prevalent. Gaming companies are adding ‘play to earn’ features, and the winners can easily convert their in-game earnings to cryptocurrency.

Other Ideas Worth Mentioning

The above were the top 10 tech ideas in 2022, but honestly, the world of tech is limitless. Having said that, here are some other ideas that we can’t miss out on:

  • Web 3.0
  • Renewable Energy Technologies 
  • More Privacy Features and Laws
  • Agriculture Tech and Low Carbon Devices
  • More Open Source Codes and Programs
  • Automation in Daily Lives
  • Internet of Things
  • Technology Skillshare Programs to Ensure Diversity and Inclusiveness
  • Wifi 6E

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COVER LETTER WRITING TIPS – The Essentials Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:05:22 +0000 Cover letters are one of the most crucial tools in any job hunt and are meant to distinguish you from other candidates. Hence, a cover letter is meant to convince hiring managers to give you a chance to an interview and later give you a job. Therefore, the following are essential techniques to adopt to increase your chances of getting to an interview.

Knowing how to write a good cover or motivation letter, and what parts it should contain, is essential to make a good impression on the HR staff who are responsible for the selection process in most companies. The more likely you are to be called in for an interview , the better your cover letter is, and the better you tailor it for the company or job.

To write a good cover letter , the first thing to do is to identify its constituent parts and their content. As a rule, the letter is divided into three parts, the content of which varies depending on the purpose and type of job you are applying for. Most HR professionals are used to this type of structure, so they quickly read through the information to find what makes each candidate different.

Review examples of cover letters

Before you start crafting your letter, take some time to have a look at the best sample letters on the internet and the ones available in your office. As a result, you will have an idea of how to innovatively structure your own and get to know the specific information to include in your letter. Also, check out available cover letter templates and tailor them to fit your abilities and the job you are applying for.

Customize your cover letter            

Creatively personalize your cover letter to meet the specific job you are applying for. To achieve this, carefully study the job listing then identify two to three skills and abilities that the job requires then match your qualifications to the job. Show your prospective employer how you will benefit the company.

Blend in keywords

Take your time to highlight the keywords in the job posting then match them with amazing examples of your achievements and experiences. Use relevant keyword phrases found in the job listing since your cover letter may be scanned using an automated tracking system to look for specific keywords present in your letter, mainly if it is submitted digitally.

Choose the right type of cover letter

Be sure to select a suitable cover letter that suits what you are applying for. Remember that there are different types of cover letters, and you need to take your time to identify what is best for you. Consequently, there are two commonly known cover letters; the traditional cover letters and prospecting letters. Traditional letters are typically written when applying for specific jobs, whereas prospecting letters are written to inquire about possible jobs available in an individual company.

Format your cover letter professionally

Ensure that your letter not only has the right information but also appropriately formatted. Use a business letter format if you are required to send a physical letter and ensure that your contact information and those of the employer are included on the top of the letter. However, if you are sending your letter through email, ensure that the subject line has your name and the job title you are applying for.

A cover letter is the best way to introduce yourself to a company along with your resume , but unlike the latter, a cover letter can provide a much more personal touch to your candidacy for a job . The letter usually accompanies the resume and specifically states your skills, motivation, and reasons why you are the ideal candidate for the position.

Keep your letter brief

Your cover letter should not exceed a page, and it should consist of at least three to four paragraphs. Most hiring managers find it annoying to read long cover letters, and it is advisable to be brief and to the point since majority of them have many piles of covering letters to look at.

Address the hiring manager

Take your time to be personal in your letter and ensure that you address your cover letter to the specific employer who will be reading it. Find out more about the hiring manager and the company by checking it out on the company’s website or simply check out the job posting if it has a contact to inquire from. Alternatively, if you happen to have any contact person in the company who might have referred you, mention their name in the first paragraph of your letter to attract the employer’s interest.

Avoid duplicating your resume

Your cover letter ought to complement your resume, not a duplicate of what is in your CV. Use your letter to highlight your top skills and achievements over the years and use a personal tone to build a good rapport with the hiring manager. Showcase your goals and convince the recruiter that you are an appropriate candidate to be considered for the job.

Use a basic font

Choose a font that is easy to read and leave adequate white space to increase the legibility of your cover letter. Use either Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri to give the hiring manager an easy time when reading your letter. Besides, include spaces between salutation, paragraphs, and your signature to show your reader that you are organized and to make your cover letter easy to skim.

Proofread your cover letter

Before you send your letter, be sure to look up for spelling and grammatical errors. You should read your letter aloud to check out for possible mistakes made and ask a friend to help you check for errors.

Note that a slight typo may reduce your chances of getting to an interview, and it is, therefore, crucial that you thoroughly proofread your letter.

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APPLYING FOR A JOB YOU DO NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:04:57 +0000 Each vacancy announcement contains a list of requirements that the employer presents to candidates. They concern, as a rule, the qualifications, experience, skills and education of the applicant. Suppose that after a long search, you finally stumbled upon a vacancy that suits you in all plans: the specified salary fully meets your needs, the job seems interesting and promising. However, there is a catch: your knowledge and skills do not fully meet the list of requirements that the employer puts forward. What to do? Are you looking for a job that suits your abilities, or should you still try to send your resume?

It is normal to come across job adverts and listings that may not be a strong match for your skills and qualifications. Sometimes, it is advisable to give it a try with lots of optimism, and you may be lucky to be hired without the required skills or knowledge. Therefore, the following are essential tips to consider when applying for a job that you do not possess most of the qualifications.

Evaluate your qualifications

Take your time to make a list of your qualifications for a particular job listing and match the skills required for the job. If most of your skills match the job requirements, do not hesitate to apply for the job since most hiring managers do not receive applications from individuals who meet all the requirements. As a result, this will give you a chance to be selected for an interview.

Work on your cover letter

Once you have decided to apply for a job that you do not meet the requirements, perfect your cover letter to highlight your unique values and skills. Moreover, display your potential in the job position and show the hiring manager that you have the passion and ability to do the job.

Analyze the keywords in the job listing

Read the job posting carefully and identify the right keywords and the industry-specific words used then creatively use them in your cover letter and resume. With this, therefore, you will have communicated to the prospective employer that you are a perfect match for the job based on the keywords you have used in your resume. Furthermore, using the specific keywords in the job listing will make your application letter to go through an electronic tracking system successfully, and you will probably be considered for a job interview.

Re-write your resume

Craft your resume to fit the specific requirements in the job posting, even if you don’t fully meet all the requirements. Ensure that your resume is written to highlight the needs of the job to ensure that you are close to what the employer is looking for.

Prove your worth                   

Even if you do not qualify for a specific job and firmly believe that you can deliver what the employer is looking for, apply for the job. Prove to the employer that you are a good fit for the job by highlighting the skills that you have acquired from your previous internships, jobs, and volunteer tasks. Moreover, show the hiring manager that you possess the complex problem-solving skills from your previous experiences, which can be of value to their company.

Have someone to endorse you

If you feel that you have the necessary skills required for a specific job but lack the relevant experience, it is advisable to connect with someone inside the company. Request for a referral and ask for advice from an employee in the company and allow him to guide you on how to stand out and to get an edge on your cover letter and resume. Have someone in the company to attest to the employer that you are worth the job position despite your lack of experience.

Have confidence in your abilities

When you do not fully meet the requirements of a job, always ensure that you mention in your cover letter that you are an individual who is willing to learn and adapt to new things and scenarios. With this, you will have shown your potential employer that though you do not possess all the job requirements, you are willing to gain it since you believe in your abilities.

Network through social media platforms

Use LinkedIn appropriately to look up for people who work with your potential employer and get connected to them. Learn more about the organization and their specific requirements through your LinkedIn contacts and educate yourself on the qualities they prefer in a candidate. Once you have learned what is required to be hired, apply for the job even if you do not fulfill all the requirements in the job description.

Focus on transferable skills

Always remember that the requirements usually listed in every job description are guidelines that most employers use to choose candidates they prefer in their companies. Therefore, you do not always have to satisfy every requirement and qualification listed in the job posting. If you possess transferable skills such as adaptability, teamwork, and organizational skills that the employer requires, apply for the job.

Applying for the job that you do not meet all the requirements, gives you an excellent opportunity to be considered for an interview, and probably get hired.

Determine whether the job interests you

Evaluate the attractiveness of the job and whether you partially meet the set criteria for the ideal position and take some time to critically analyze whether the payoff in the job listing is worth it. Always remember that job descriptions posted by employers are mostly wish lists for a perfect candidate, and you have nothing to lose, but your time when you apply for the job that you feel interests you.

If the employer sees that you are really interested in getting a job, he may turn a blind eye to the inadequacy of some of his requirements.

What increases your chances?

Every employer wants to get the most qualified employee, competent in many areas. The more one employee can do, the less additional employees will have to be hired. Accordingly, by posting a vacancy, the employer may deliberately overestimate the requirements for candidates. In fact, he may well consider applicants with much fewer opportunities.

In addition, if, having got excited, the employer set too stringent requirements, over time, when one hundred percent of suitable applicants are not found, he can moderate his desires. And then your resume may well be in demand. Also, candidates who do not fully meet the requirements are considered in the case when the vacancy needs to be filled as soon as possible. But to choose, of course, will be those who are most suitable for the position.

How to behave in an interview?

If you still decide to send your resume, and you were invited for an interview, be prepared for a conversation. You need to follow a certain line of conduct. In no case should you deceive the employer, because you will certainly be exposed, and this will have extremely unpleasant consequences for you. At the same time, do not constantly talk about what you do not know how to do. Do not paint it for a long time and in colors. It is better to focus the attention of the employer on your strengths, successes and important career achievements. It is also important to note that you are ready to learn and fill in the gaps in the professional field. Don’t be nervous, be confident. The main thing is attitude and presentation.

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Top 10 tips for the Job Interview Fri, 05 Apr 2019 08:43:18 +0000 Every job interview is different, but if you as an applicant stick to a few basic things, there is hardly anything that can go wrong in an emergency. Our 10 job interview tips will help you to master getting to know each other in person with confidence!

Good preparation is winning half of the battle!

Of course you will be excited before your interview. However, good preparation will help you to boost your self-confidence and get your dream job . If you consistently implement the following points, you are definitely well prepared for your job interview.

Depending on the industry, different priorities are set in the interview. Here you will find all industry-specific tips for job interviews.

Researching the company

In order to be convincing in the interview, you should find out enough about the company in advance . What are the products? In which industry is the employer active and what are possible competitors? How many employees are there, how much turnover is achieved and what does the company philosophy say? A look at the company website is usually sufficient for the necessary knowledge. If you can bring this information to the interview, you prove to HR management that you have dealt intensively with the company as a potential employer.

Preparing your self-presentation

At the beginning of the interview, you will usually be asked to briefly tell us something about yourself. Don’t just rattle off your resume here . Prepare a short self-presentation . This should not last longer than two to three minutes and should address your most prominent stations. Make sure to connect and justify the stations with each other. This creates a common thread. It is also good to emphasize the practical experience and professional qualifications that match the desired position.

Job interview training

It is best if you practice typical situations in the job interview, such as role-playing games or nasty questions , in advance. this means nothing other than giving it some thought beforehand so that you appear confident in these situations during the interview.

Practice job interviews as a role play

Especially if it’s your first job interview, it doesn’t hurt to practice the interview in concrete terms. This job interview training sounds childish, but it is effective. So let your parents or friends ask you the typical questions . This puts you in the conversation situation and you can then get feedback on your answers . You’ll be more persuasive that way.

Question training for the job interview

Every job interview is different, but certain questions and topics are standard and can be practiced. In addition to your professional career, your personality is of interest to those responsible for human resources. Have you ever taken a personality test? It can help you better answer questions about your personality.

During the interview, you will also be asked questions about your strengths and weaknesses , your way of working, your dealings with colleagues or managers, and your leisure activities.

If you want to put yourself to the test, stress questions can also be used. Here, too, it is important to remain calm and not lose concentration.

Use body language correctly.

Since you are constantly sending signals to those around you with your body language, HR managers also pay attention to this. Gestures , facial expressions , eye contact , posture and speaking are of particular interest. Tension and nervousness make body language unconvincing, such as not making eye contact. If you are too tense, trained observers will quickly notice it. Some gestures or postures can also appear defensive and sometimes aggressive, such as crossing your arms over your chest.

Another good option is mirroring. It means mimicking (but not aping!). This also creates sympathy in the subconscious.


  • When the other person laughs, you laugh too. But please don’t be too affected.
  • If the other person leans forward, do the same.
  • When the other person takes a glass, you take a sip too.

But you shouldn’t overdo it by following every movement. If you’re more concerned with observing the recruiter’s movements than paying attention to the questions, it’s suboptimal. But if you know the basic principle, you can apply it profitably on a selective basis.

Speak clearly.

One of the most important tips: Speak slowly and clearly. That seems more competent than when someone speaks very quickly. In addition, it interrupts the flow of the conversation when HR managers do not understand the answers correctly or have to ask questions. This works best if you sit up straight, keep your head straight and look forward. So the way you normally sit and talk. You can also practice this wonderfully in the preparation with your friends or family. If necessary, your cat will also listen to you.

Take notes

Notes prevent you from forgetting important points that you could take up later with your own questions. It also shows genuine interest and conveys a structured way of working. The notes can also help to reflect on the interview afterwards in order to learn from it for later interviews . So take a notepad and a good pen with you. Despite digitization, however, it is strange when you sit there with an iPad or mobile phone and “type along”.

Answer questions individually

Avoid giving standard answers to standard questions. Trained HR managers notice immediately when you have memorized the answers from guides. The solution is: Always make a reference to yourself, your career, the position you are looking for or the company in the answers.

By the way, you can already provoke certain questions with your application documents . List your hobbies as better than exercise, reading, and cooking. Instead of just “sport” you dance salsa or boulder. And if you like to cook, then please specify and state your affinity for Thai or Spanish cuisine. You can also show social commitment not only in your CV, but also in your self-presentation. This results in interesting points of contact for small talk for those responsible for human resources .

Ask your own questions

Highly qualified applicants in particular are expected to ask their own questions in the interview . If you don’t do this, you are showing disinterest or shyness – and that doesn’t go down well. But beware: Try to ask relevant questions.

If the hiring manager asks if you have any questions about the company, addressing the salary directly will give the wrong impression. Here, too, it helps to be prepared: On the one hand, you can think about questions in advance and write them down, other questions will arise during the conversation. You can ask about specific aspects of the job, about induction or about further training opportunities.

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