Hired – Serto Ader https://sertoader.com Work to Create Value! Thu, 09 Feb 2023 11:08:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://sertoader.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/favicon.png Hired – Serto Ader https://sertoader.com 32 32 Job Interview – During the Interview https://sertoader.com/job-interview-during-the-interview/ Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:34:37 +0000 https://sertoader.com/?p=2864 When facing a job interview, each person has their tricks, their strategies and their methods to convey the best of themselves. In principle, there is no written manual that serves as an infallible guide to achieving the perfect interview. However, there is a list of things that you should avoid at all costs if you do not want to spoil your opportunity.

  • Personal grooming
  • Plan your schedule
  • Treat everyone you meet with the utmost respect
  • Encourage self-confidence
  • Body language
  • Make sure you are authentic and positive
  • Listen attentively
  • Ensure that you are concise and focused
  • Do not speak negatively about your previous company and employers
  • Tie your answers effectively with your skills

Personal grooming

On the interview day, eat right and do not take too much caffeine during breakfast.

Take a shower before you leave for the interview and wear a mild deodorant or perfume.

Ensure that your hair is clean and combed, shine your shoes, and make sure that your nails are clean and tidy.

Before you leave the house, ensure that your outfit is clean and check for holes, stains, and loose threads.

Read More: Job Interview – Before the Interview

Plan your schedule

Arrive at the interview location on time at least 15 minutes early.

If you are using public transport, come up with a back-up plan just in case there are closures, delays or traffic congestion.

When you arrive early at the interview venue, use the extra time to observe the workplace dynamics.

Treat everyone you meet with the utmost respect

Whoever you meet on your way to the interview, including security personnel on the interview building, people you come across in the parking lot, or the receptionist on the front desk deserves to be treated with respect.

Greet everyone you meet politely, pleasantly, and enthusiastically as though they are the hiring manager since your potential employer might ask for their feedback.

Encourage self-confidence

Before you are called to enter the interview room, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly to manage feelings of anxiety and discomfort.

Be calm and confident in your skills, and take a few minutes to encourage yourself.

Body language

In the interview room, watch your body language and practice good manners.

Note that the interviewer should extend their hand first to initiate a handshake.

As you stand, look at the interviewer in the eye and smile then give a firm handshake.

Articulate your points fluently and be audible enough to the interviewers in the room.

Make sure you are authentic and positive

Try to be truthful and genuine in the interview conversation as most interviewers find honesty respectable.

Do not shy away from saying that you don’t know when asked about something you have no clue about.

Show positivity in the interview room with a smile to keep the interview light and constructive.

Listen attentively

Pay attention to the interviewer, nod occasionally, and look interested in the conversation.

It is essential to pay attention in order to give good responses during the interview.

Listen to the interviewer; take time before you respond if you need to compose an appropriate response.

Ensure that you are concise and focused

During the interview, ensure that your answers are brief and clear to the interviewer.

Remember, your time with the interviewer is limited, and other interviewees might be waiting in line.

Practicing your answers beforehand can help you to be focused during the interview.

Do not speak negatively about your previous company and employers

During the interview, focus on what you gained from your past experiences and what you plan to do next

Note that most companies always want to hire candidates who can be problem solvers and who can overcome tough situations.

Tie your answers effectively with your skills

As you try to answer questions in the interview, it is crucial that you tie your answers with your accomplishments.

To achieve this, during the interview, give clear examples of solutions and results that you achieved previously.

Job Interview – Before the Interview https://sertoader.com/job-interview-before-the-interview/ Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:30:17 +0000 https://sertoader.com/?p=2862 An interview refers to a formal meeting normally carried out by hiring managers or employers of individual companies to evaluate and ascertain a candidate’s qualifications for a specific job. Therefore, to make a lasting impression on your prospective employer, the following are essential tips that you need to take in preparation to secure a job offer before the interview, during the interview, and even after the interview.

Before you attend any other interview, it is crucial to set aside time to do the following:

  • Research your target company
  • Re-read and analyze the job description
  • Write down job-specific and behavioral interview questions
  • Practice answering interview questions
  • Prepare a list of references
  • Prepare questions for your interviewers
  • Have your interview outfit ready
  • Get clear directions
  • Prepare items to take to the interview

Research your target company

Company research is a vital part of interview preparation that will help you get into an interview room with confidence. Some days to the interview, ensure that you can find out about the company. To achieve this, check out the company’s website and specifically visit the “About Us” page. With this, you will be able to find out the company’s culture, and it will help you to know whether the company is fit for you or not.

Moreover, read magazines and articles on the website about the company to understand how the company operates and its difference with other companies in the region. Company reviews from former employees and clients are also an important aspect to help you get an understanding of the company. Importantly, you can also find information about the company by tapping into your network. Seek opinions from trusted friends and associates who can give you an inside understanding of the company’s culture.

Re-read and analyze the job description

Take time to review the job description and understand the specific skills that the company is looking for in a candidate.

Write the skills, personal, and professional qualities that are required by the company on a note pad and match them with the qualities that you possess as an individual.

Ascertain whether your professional qualifications, work experiences, certifications, skills, and abilities match the job requirements.

Furthermore, think of specific examples from past work experiences that match the job requirements and write them down in preparation to demonstrate a time when you used a particular skill or ability.

Write down job-specific and behavioral interview questions

Job-specific interview questions are typically asked by the hiring manager to measure a candidate’s ability to perform the duties of a specific job and to determine whether you have the knowledge and skills required.

Take time to thoroughly review the job-specific questions and figure out how best to respond.

To have a good idea about the type of questions to be asked on the job you are applying for, review the job-specific questions and sample answers from the internet.

On the contrary, behavioral interview questions seek clear and concrete examples of experiences and skills that relate to the job position.

Therefore, be prepared to be asked how you handled a particularly challenging situation.

With this, you will have to respond with an explanation of what you did, and your response is expected to be a positive indicator of your success.

Practice answering interview questions

Take some time rehearsing possible answers to interview questions that might be asked.

Be prepared to answer open-ended questions about yourself generally asked by the interviewers to get an insight into your personality and to determine whether you are fit for the company and the job.

It is advisable to begin with, an overview of where you are currently, maybe your current job, followed by how you got to where you are in terms of education and experience, and lastly, end with briefly mentioning your goal for the future.

Practice interviewing with a family member or a close friend two days or a day before the interview.

For instance, if it is a phone interview, ask a friend to call you and practice answering possible questions to be asked over the phone, and if it is a panel interview, have a group of friends to pretend to be a panel.

As a result, you will be able to calm your nerves since you won’t have to fidget and scramble for answers on the hot interview seat.

Read More: Job Interview – During the Interview

Prepare a list of references

Have a list of references prepared before the interview as most hiring managers ask for it before the interview begins or after the interview.

Recruiters may a times have to contact people on your reference list as part of the hiring process to know more about your professional history and job performance.

It is therefore advisable to prepare a list of reliable contacts that will be able to communicate your excellent professional attributes.

Prepare questions for your interviewers

Be ready to engage your interviewers since interviews are not a one-way street.

It is a give and take conversation, and your potential employers expect you to ask questions about how it would be like to work in their company.

Therefore, have questions of your own to ask the interviewers in a bid to build a relationship.

Questions such as, “Would you please explain some of the responsibilities that this job entails?” will act as positive indicators to the interviewers that you are seriously thinking of how it is to work in their company.

Have your interview outfit ready

Avoid a last-minute rush and ensure that your interview clothes are prepared some days before the interview.

Your professional outfit ought to be neat and tidy to have a positive and lasting impression on the employer, even if you are applying for a job in a casual environment.

Get clear directions

It is vital to get clear directions of the interview venue to avoid getting late to the interview.

Program your GPS or use your Google maps to get the routes and directions to the company if you are not sure of where you are going.

However, if you have enough time, it is advisable to visit the company before the day of the interview to be sure of where you will be going and how long it would take to get there.

Prepare items to take to the interview

If the company building has security personnel, carry your identification card since you may be asked to show your identification.

Have a notepad and a pen to write down the name of the person interviewing you and company information. Besides, prepare copies of your resume to be distributed in the interview room upon request.

Why should we hire you? https://sertoader.com/why-should-we-hire-you/ Fri, 25 Mar 2022 20:59:15 +0000 https://sertoader.com/?p=2852 A question often asked during an application interview, but also a question that is often answered very badly. The most frequent answers are:

“You should hire me because I have excellent team spirit”

“Because I need money”

“Because I am able to work hard”

We can tell you in advance that these are not the answers we recruiters want to hear. Your answer must indeed distinguish you from others, which is not the case with the answers above. The answer to this question is decisive for the result of the application interview and therefore makes the difference between a contract and no contract. It’s time to sell yourself to your future employer! Do it!

Another answer could be: “My CV perfectly matches the job requirements and I have the necessary experience and skills. I know the products and services offered by the company. I am therefore the ideal person for this function. » Not bad… You have enough information to give a good answer to this important question. But nothing could be less true! All those who are invited to an application interview have indeed passed the first round. This means that all candidates, your competitors, meet the job requirements and have the necessary experience and skills. So you have to find something else to distinguish yourself, but what? To be able to give the ultimate answer to the question, you must first know why the question is asked.

Why Do Recruiters Ask This Question?

The task of the recruiter is to find the best person for the position to be filled. Recruiters often have several suitable candidates to choose from. Especially today when competition in the labor market is intense. There is therefore a good chance that the winning candidate will obtain better than average scores and bring some extras compared to the standard job requirements. For a recruiter, it is essential that the candidate he chooses perform well during the period envisaged. It is indeed on this aspect that the recruiter will be evaluated.

When he asks the question “Why do we have to hire you?” so he wants you to give a strong answer. He wants you to stand out from the rest. He wants you to give an answer that reassures him that you are the right candidate.

The Ultimate Answer

The ultimate answer is unfortunately not a ready-made answer that you can use in all circumstances. Every company, every position and every job posting is indeed different. This means that the answer to this question can therefore never be the same and unfortunately we cannot answer it for you. You will have to provide your own answer to the question, but we can help you.

The ultimate answer to the question consists of two parts: The part in which you really stand out from others and the part in which you make the link between the points mentioned in the first part and the function for which you are applying.

What Sets You Apart From Others?

Distinguishing yourself is the easiest thing there is. You do indeed all your life, consciously or unconsciously. From the moment you are born, you perform better than others in certain areas, and vice versa. Often you are not aware of it, because it is automatic. It’s something you find obvious. Something that is difficult for others and easy for you. Your talents are exactly what the recruiter is looking for. Unique qualities that allow you to distinguish yourself from all the other candidates.

Read More: How to Sell Yourself Well During an Interview?

Connect your skills with the Job

After having identified and recognized your talents, they must be associated with the function for which you are applying and the corresponding tasks. This is often a little less difficult than the first part, because your talents and your natural sources of motivation have already pointed you in a certain direction.

If all goes well, you have made certain educational or career choices during your life  that correspond to what makes your heart beat a little faster. Branches in which you were good or that you appreciated determined the rest of your training. Some courses and certificates not only show what you can do, but also what interests you.

Often (in fact, always should!) your talents match the job you’re applying for. The only thing left for you to do is to justify your (unique) added value. Do this with the help of concrete examples that directly give a good idea to the recruiter.

Don’t forget that the recruiter must find a lasting match between you and the function. If you can passionately relate something that you love to do in your life, that you are good at, that you are able to do better than the other candidates AND prove that it is relevant to the position promised, you have given an answer that the recruiter really wants to hear.

Men and women who exploit their talents are happier. They are more motivated and therefore more productive. The energy they give off has a positive effect on the other people on the pitch. They are satisfied with their work and will therefore leave less quickly.

Why Nobody Responds to my CV’s? https://sertoader.com/why-nobody-responds-to-my-cvs/ Fri, 25 Mar 2022 20:55:21 +0000 https://sertoader.com/?p=2847 In recent times you have sent hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes in response to the most diverse job advertisements. But you begin to believe that it is useless: you have not received a single reply to any of the shipments made! It is at these moments when your doubts begin to surface. Will you be doing something wrong?

Have you ever applied for dozens of jobs online only to receive no news, or even a hint of interest? You are not alone. Job seekers often say that applying for a job online is like throwing their resume into a black hole. It seems that this is not far from the truth. Almost only 2% of candidates who apply for a job online manage to get an interview. For those of you who aren’t great at math, that barely equates to 1 in 50 candidates getting an interview!

Are you aiming at the right target?

Surely you think that this is a very obvious and not very logical question. You know better than anyone what kind of job you are looking for, right? We do not doubt it, but if you are not called for an interview after sending many resumes, perhaps it is because, despite your good will, you are not on the right track. Stop for a moment and reflect before continuing with your extensive investigation. And it is not the same to pretend to work as a waiter than as an electrician, no matter how much you have had a relationship with both professions.

Therefore, before applying for a job or submitting your spontaneous application to a company, you should analyze what your most outstanding skills and professional goals are. If you manage to be very clear about these points, you will be able to know which are your most suitable jobs and you will save a lot of time and useless effort by sending CV without rhyme or reason.

A professional image, something essential

Never forget that a curriculum vitae is the best tool you have at your disposal to “sell” your candidacy as the ideal one for a job. Therefore, it is important that you do your best to get a resume with a professional image whose reading generates positive responses and, therefore, avoids you being unemployed for months. Without a doubt, this will be your best investment for the future. If you want to get more than one company to respond to your job applications, it is essential that you personalize your resume. Make an effort to write a specific CV for each position, adapting it 100% to its characteristics and you will see how effective you can be in your job search.

We propose a little trick that summarizes what has been said so far: if you can’t get an appointment for any job interview, try to put yourself in the place of the selector of each process and write your resume according to what he wants to read. You will be able to stand out above the rest. And do not forget that your success depends on it!

Stand out above the rest

It is very common for a job offer to bring together more than 500 applicants. How can you ensure that your resume does not get lost in the tide of papers from all of them? If you want to make sure that the recruiters read it, and therefore give you the opportunity for an interview, you have to be very clear that the key is in the difference. Try to get out of the stipulated channels of sending resumes and try to reach the company in a more original way than the others. Why not, for example, publish your CV on the Internet and send the address of your website to the human resources managers of the company where you want to work? Today you have at your fingertips numerous possibilities that can make your creativity and desire to excel evident.

Your resume is too long or too short

Well yes, there is a middle ground that recruiters look for when it comes to resume length. With a CV of 1 or 2 pages, you will not go wrong. If it’s only half a page, it means you have little to brag about or just haven’t bothered to write a detailed account of your work history. If you stretch your resume to 3-4 pages, it reveals that you have no filters and lack the all-important ability to focus on the most important skills. Some will tell you that a resume should ideally be a single page, but most recruiters will still be fine with going through a 2-page resume.

Your skills do not match the job description

Any recruiter will tell you that a resume that reflects the job description will have a much better chance of being selected. Too many people prioritize quantity over quality by applying for hundreds of jobs from the same CV, hoping to find a match. Rather than wasting your time applying for lots of jobs you’re not even sure you want (or maybe didn’t even know about!), focus a little more on the jobs you want.. Look for positions that give you some heart palpitations and that match your skills and professional expectations. Then spend the time it takes to make sure your resume is tailored to reflect the skills and requirements of the job description. Hiring managers usually list the skills and qualifications they ideally want in their job description (they don’t always expect candidates to have them all!).

Read More: Why should we hire you?

So if you can demonstrate that you possess several of these ideal qualities, you could naturally place yourself as the ideal candidate for the position. Hiring managers usually list the skills and qualifications they ideally want in their job description (they don’t always expect candidates to have them all!). So if you can demonstrate that you possess several of these ideal qualities, you could naturally place yourself as the ideal candidate for the position. Hiring managers usually list the skills and qualifications they ideally want in their job description (they don’t always expect candidates to have them all!). So if you can demonstrate that you possess several of these ideal qualities, you could naturally place yourself as the ideal candidate for the position.

Your resume doesn’t stand out in any way

Each position posted online receives an average of over 100 applications. This means that you are in competition with many people! If your resume blends in and looks like the other 99 applications the recruiter has received, chances are your resume is going unnoticed. Make sure it reflects your personality a bit. We’re not asking you to overdo it by using weird colors and fonts (please refrain!) to grab attention, but a unique and tasteful concept or a bit of personality or humor could go a long way to make your resume a little different from the norm. This is especially the case if you are in a creative field. When you’re competing with so many people, as with online job applications, it’s crucial that you grab some attention. Just be sure, once you’ve caught a recruiter’s attention, to follow up with a resume that contains all the necessary information.

Review your resume until exhaustion

Now we are not going to tell you again what the characteristics of a perfect resume are, but we do want to make you notice that it is very easy to make absurd mistakes when writing it. Never stop reviewing your CV before sending it to avoid slips that will later be impossible to solve.

Think that an error in any of the factors mentioned in this article may be key to your application being rejected even before you are scheduled for an interview. Before thinking that your professional experience is not good enough to get a job, analyze all these points. You will see that they are key for you to succeed in sending your resume!

The 5 Why Process And Why it Matters https://sertoader.com/the-5-why-process-and-why-it-matters/ https://sertoader.com/the-5-why-process-and-why-it-matters/#respond Mon, 08 Apr 2019 05:46:19 +0000 https://sertoader.com/show-stopping-wedding-gowns-that-are-better-from-the-back-copy/ The 5 Why process is a problem-solving technique used to identify the root cause of a problem. The 5 Why process involves asking “why” questions five times in order to delve deeper into the problem and understand the underlying causes. The idea behind the 5 Why process is that by asking “why” repeatedly, you can get to the root cause of a problem and identify a solution that addresses that root cause, rather than simply addressing the symptoms of the problem.

Here’s how the 5 Why process works:

  1. Identify the problem: Start by clearly defining the problem you are trying to solve.
  2. Ask “why” the first time: Ask “why” the problem is occurring and identify a potential cause.
  3. Ask “why” the second time: Ask “why” the cause identified in step 2 is happening.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3: Continue to ask “why” and identify additional causes until you have reached the root cause.
  5. Identify a solution: Once you have identified the root cause, use that information to develop a solution that addresses the root cause, rather than just the symptoms of the problem.

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

This amazing technique was first introduced back in the 1930s by the legendary Mr. Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota Industries. Today, it’s used all over the world by companies like Toyota and many others, making it a must-have tool for anyone looking to solve problems and drive positive change!


Problem: A machine at a factory has stopped working, causing production to come to a halt.

  1. Identify the problem: The machine has stopped working.
  2. Ask “why” the first time: Why has the machine stopped working? Answer: The power supply to the machine has failed.
  3. Ask “why” the second time: Why has the power supply failed? Answer: The power supply unit was damaged by a power surge.
  4. Ask “why” the third time: Why was there a power surge? Answer: The surge was caused by a lightning strike to the electrical grid.
  5. Ask “why” the fourth time: Why wasn’t the power supply unit protected against a surge? Answer: The surge protection device was not properly maintained and had failed.
  6. Ask “why” the fifth time: Why wasn’t the surge protection device properly maintained? Answer: The maintenance team was not aware of the need for regular checks of the surge protection device.

Solution: Install a new power supply unit and implement a regular maintenance schedule to check the surge protection device to prevent future power surges and ensure that the machine continues to run smoothly.

The Benefits of the 5 Why

Helps identify the root cause of a problem

One of the primary benefits of the 5 Why process is that it helps to identify the root cause of a problem. By asking “why” repeatedly, the process forces you to look beyond the symptoms of the problem and understand what is causing the issue at a deeper level. By identifying the root cause of a problem, it becomes possible to implement a solution that addresses the root cause and prevent the problem from recurring in the future.

Understand how one process can cause a chain of problems

The 5 Why process helps you to understand the interrelated nature of processes and how one problem can lead to a chain of other problems. By asking “why” repeatedly, the process helps you to understand how the root cause of one problem can impact other processes and lead to additional problems. This insight is valuable in preventing problems from recurring in the future.

Determine the relationship between different root causes

The 5 Why process helps you to determine the relationship between different root causes. By understanding the relationship between different root causes, it becomes possible to develop solutions that address multiple root causes, making it more likely that the problem will not recur in the future.

Highly effective without complicated evaluation techniques

The 5 Why process is a simple, straightforward approach to problem-solving that is highly effective without the need for complicated evaluation techniques. The process can be easily implemented by people with a variety of backgrounds and skill levels, making it an accessible and effective tool for problem-solving in a wide range of organizations and industries. Additionally, the 5 Why process is highly flexible and can be adapted to fit the specific needs of any given problem, making it a versatile and valuable tool.

The 5 Whys is an incredibly exciting technique for uncovering the root cause of a problem! It’s all about repeatedly asking the question “Why” to dig deeper and deeper into the issue at hand.



Like any problem-solving process, the 5 Why process can be influenced by personal bias. It’s important to be aware of this and to involve a diverse group of people in the process to minimize the impact of bias and ensure that the root cause is identified accurately.

Limited to a specific number of “whys”

The 5 Why process is based on asking “why” repeatedly, but it is limited to a specific number of “whys”. There may be cases where more than five “whys” are needed to identify the root cause, or fewer “whys” may be sufficient. It’s important to be flexible and adjust the number of “whys” as needed, based on the specific problem being addressed.

Risk of missing important information

By focusing on asking “why”, the 5 Why process can miss important information or factors that are not directly related to the problem being addressed. To mitigate this risk, it’s important to use additional problem-solving tools and techniques in conjunction with the 5 Why process to ensure that all relevant information is considered.

Potential for over-simplification

The 5 Why process can simplify complex problems, making it more difficult to fully understand the root cause. To mitigate this risk, it’s important to involve experts and stakeholders in the process and to use additional problem-solving tools and techniques to validate the root cause.

Risk of oversimplifying complex problems

The 5 Why process can oversimplify complex problems and lead to an incorrect understanding of the root cause. To mitigate this risk, it’s important to use additional problem-solving tools and techniques in conjunction with the 5 Why process to validate the root cause and ensure that a comprehensive solution is developed.

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RESUME TIPS https://sertoader.com/cv-resume-tips/ https://sertoader.com/cv-resume-tips/#respond Fri, 05 Apr 2019 09:06:42 +0000 https://sertoader.com/apollo-global-management-funds-to-buy-aspen-insurance-for-2-6-billion-copy-7/ Having an exceptional resume that stands out is an added advantage to attract recruiters and hiring managers and to help you land on your next job. Your resume, therefore, ought to summarize your skills and accomplishments and should be readable.  Here are essential resume tips that will significantly help you to design your resume uniquely.

Choose the right resume format

Note that there are three major types of resumes to choose from depending on the professional requirements in the job description. Basically, these are chronological, functional, or target resumes, and you need to take your time to decide on one that fits your skills, educational, and work experience. In a nutshell, chronological resumes start with a listing of your work history, having the most recent position listed first. Consequently, these kinds of resumes are typically preferred by employers since it is easy to see the type of roles you have worked on quickly.

On the contrary, functional resumes only focus on your skills and experience and not much on your work history. Such types of resumes work so well with people who have big gaps in their work history. Lastly, target resumes are a blend of chronological and functional resumes. If you prefer this type of resume, ensure that you combine well the skills that you have with your chronological work history.

Remember, everything you put on your resume should be relevant to your position.

Review resumes samples

As you craft and update your resume, go through the best examples of resumes online and from your industry that matches your professional and employment situation. Select the best style and format that aligns with your accomplishments and skills. Importantly, as you review examples of resumes, always remember that you are not supposed to copy the samples but instead use them as guides to show you how to improve your resume.

Ensure that you choose between 10-12 resume font sizes for the hiring manager to easily read your resume since most employers have limited time to go through your resume. Select a basic clean font such as Times New Roman or Arial that is clear and readable to help make your resume appear professional and legible. Moreover, make sure that you eliminate extraneous whitespaces to ensure that your resume is clear and focused.

Highlight keywords in the job posting

Take your time to read job descriptions and postings of different jobs advertised carefully. Study every job description for important keywords to identify what the employer is looking for in a candidate. Then, creatively align the keywords in your resume to fit your skills and achievements.

Use numbers in your resume

Adding numbers in your resume help to quantify your accomplishments. As a result, your potential employers will be able to see what you have achieved in your career, and they will act as a basis for persuasive negotiation when it comes to salary range and rises.

If you decide to attach a photo to your resume, then take its choice very carefully. Leave home photos, pictures from a vacation or a New Year’s corporate party in your personal archive.

Craft a specific resume profile

Tailor your resume profile to match the job that you desire and include a profile statement that consists of your job goal to get the employer’s attention. Consequently, this will give an overview of your experiences, skills, and goals and will serve to indicate to the hiring manager that you are qualified for the job you have applied for.

Remember to include your contact information in your resume to ensure that potential employers easily get in touch with you. Include the correct phone number and email address, your full name that exists in all your job application documents, street address, and even city’s zip code at the top of your resume. If you don’t give detailed or correct contact information, employers won’t be able to get in touch with you easily.

There is nothing difficult in writing an effective resume. In most cases, just getting rid of unnecessary information is enough, but there are other important points.

Prioritize and Customize Content

Your most relevant achievements and experiences in your resume ought to be listed first. To draw attention, ensure that the most essential information on your skills and accomplishments are the first to be read by the hiring managers since most hiring managers tend to spend an approximate of 6 seconds on every resume they receive.

Personalize your resume to fit each job you are applying for that perfectly match with your skills and experience. Therefore, make sure that your customized resume addresses specific requirements mentioned in the job description to give you an advantage over other candidates and to increase your chances of getting the job.

Write using active language

You should write your resume using active words such as accomplished, earned, achieved, completed, and concise sentences. Avoid using clichés with outdated business jargon and strengthen the effectiveness of your resume by using powerful action verbs that clarify your contributions and achievements in a confident tone.

Proofread and edit your resume

Before you send your resume, ensure that you go through it on your own and have a second set of eyes, maybe a friend or a professional career counselor, to ensure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors. Note that minor spelling errors and typos in your resume can reduce your chances of getting a job.

When reviewing a large number of resumes, an HR manager is more likely to take a closer look at well-structured resumes. Divide it into semantic parts, use lists, the summary should be informative, but at the same time concise. Remember that your resume should be easy to work with.

Submit your resume properly

Follow instructions on the job posting on how to submit your CV. Check out if the employer requires you to attach your resume to an email message or in a specific format, either in PDF or DOC format. Ensure that you have included all the information required before submitting your CV and at the bottom of the email message, include your contact information.

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