hen making a decision to change a job, a person is guided by a number of reasons, from reasonable and rational to reckless and unreasonable – you didn’t like it, outgrown it, got bored, quarreled, underestimated, underpaid … There can be a lot of reasons, and if you are increasingly thinking about changing jobs, this is normal, you are not alone.

People tend to seek career change for many diverse reasons ranging from the wish to make more money to the discovery of new interests and goals that one would wish to pursue. Therefore, before you change your career, it is advisable to take some time to decide whether your career needs some change and to pick on a career that will be more satisfying. To achieve this, the following are important strategies to adopt for a successful career change.

In general, if you decide that there are more reasons to change jobs than reasons to stay, and they are good enough, then go ahead and look for a new job. Good luck with this!

1. Assess your current job

Before you think of exploring another career, take your time to evaluate your current job satisfaction. Think of the current aspects of your job that you like and dislike then evaluate whether your dissatisfactions are connected to the company and the content of your work. Hence, you will be able to assess your present situation to help you take an alternative career path.

2. Evaluate your skills and experience

Take your time to evaluate your current skills and experience to determine whether you have developed enough to change your current job. Review your past experiences and accomplishments to help you highlight the skills necessary in your next career.

3. Create your vision

Do not merely change your career because you want a high paying job but instead, take some time to assess whether your current job will make you achieve your personal career goals. Create a vision for your future career by focusing on what you enjoy doing and the type of work you find rewarding. As a result, you will develop an interest in new opportunities that will shape your future career.

4. Improve your skills

Consider taking a course or two online to help bridge your gap and background to your new field. Explore educational opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills and to boost your chances of landing into a new job. Furthermore, identify different ways to develop new skills in your current job to help pave the way for a career change

5. Check out on alternative careers

Research various career options that match your skills through the internet and discuss your skills and values with your friends and family. Moreover, evaluate several fields that fit your qualifications and consider consulting with a professional career counselor for advice.

6. Request for informational interviews

Reach out to people in your target companies and careers who have firsthand information about the job alternatives that you are interested in. Request for in-depth information and guidance in your career path and schedule interviews with them if possible.

7. Update your social media platforms

Optimize your search engines and ensure that your professional LinkedIn profile is up-to-date. Figure out how you can improve your visibility online and incorporate keywords on your profile that explains your expertise and industry. As a result, the keywords on your profile description will help you to get noticed by potential employers in different companies looking for ideal candidates in your field.

8. Continue networking

Always be vigilant on networking opportunities wherever you are and try starting new conversations when you meet new people. Be sure to carry business cards when you attend both professional and casual networking events and always be ready to give a positive first impression. To achieve this, be confident to talk about your background and what you hope to accomplish in your career.

9.  Understand the cost of changing jobs

When an opportunity to change a job comes up, do not rush to make a final decision because of the high salary and compensation numbers offered. Take your time to study the associated costs involved in the new job and calculate the amount of money you will take home since it’s not about what you make but what you keep.

10. Have a conversation with your current manager

Once you have made a final decision to change your job, have a conversation with your manager, and highlight concrete reasons why you would wish to explore another career path.

Be calm and confident during the conversation, and make him see the necessity of your career change.

Such a step will be advantageous to the current company you’re working with since they will have time to prepare for your resignation, and it will help the company make early arrangements for your benefits and recommendation letters.

Moreover, talking with the manager about your plans might increase your chances of being considered in the same company for a higher post based on your experiences and skills.

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