Serto Ader Work to Create Value! Thu, 09 Feb 2023 15:42:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Serto Ader 32 32 Importance of Networking When Finding a Job Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:51:25 +0000 An active career network is very crucial in the job market today for both the job seekers and those who want to move up the career ladder. It can help an individual grow his career and get hired quickly. Career networking, therefore, involves making good use of professional, academic, and personal contacts to assist with job search and to achieve personal career goals.

Consequently, it is all about nurturing long-term relationships with diverse people that you meet in professional meetings and conferences or unexpected places like sports leagues and coffee hubs. In this way, career networking is vital for any career success, and it is advisable to build your network as you try to expand your professional connection.

Network online                                           

Make good use of social media platforms and other online networking websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Telegram to help you get in touch with specific companies and other networkers in your field.

Take a bold step to talk to your connections on social media platforms and be proactive in your conversations.

Note that social media job searching sites are useful tools that help most hiring managers to get to know more about their potential employees before they interact with them.

LinkedIn, in this case, increases your visibility and connections, so that prospective employers and recruiters can find you with ease.

Network with the right people

Ensure that your career network circle includes people who can help you with job search and career growth. These individuals can consist of the present and past colleagues, co-workers, and close friends who have the same interests as you do.

Furthermore, your network can as well include neighbors, family friends, and anyone close who might have a job connection that will be of great benefit.

Engage your career network

Keep in touch with your career network and engage them regularly. Asking someone how they are doing through a phone call or sending a brief email to say hello is a kind act that might influence someone to give you a job lead. Note that most people are more willing to assist when they know the kind of person you are.

On the other hand, be willing to share with your network frequently. If you come across a relevant article or job lead and listing that might benefit your network, reciprocate by sharing it. Be willing to write recommendations for former co-workers and colleagues who are moving to better jobs.

Moreover, always keep track of your network electronically and ensure that you know where they work, what they do, and the most appropriate way to get in touch with each one of them.

Network at work

If you already have a job, make good use of your professional network.  These include your direct clients, colleagues, and managers who can help you in your career path. To achieve this, be excellent in what you do and strive for opportunities beyond what you do daily as you work on assignments that help you grow professionally.

Remember to be friendly in your workplace and take some moments to consciously smile before saying “hi” to someone you have never talked to at work. Always pay attention to office invites at work as this might pose an excellent opportunity to know more about people and may give you a chance to display the skills that you don’t put to use in your daily job.

Be on the forefront to welcome new co-workers in the workplace, as this might allow you to share your experiences and get to know more about their background. With this, therefore, you may get to discover that your new colleagues have a common interest as you do, or they may have immense expertise in one of the areas that you have always wanted to learn about.

As a result, you will have a more influential professional and casual network that will significantly help grow your network circle.

Career networking events

Attend both formal and informal career networking events that will immensely help you to expand the number of networking contacts.

Professional conferences

If you are looking for a new job or you are unemployed and searching for a job opportunity, attend workshops and professional conferences. Lifelong connections have been known to be made through such conferences as it will allow you to connect with someone who works in a company you have always desired to work in.

Career fairs

Career fairs provide good forums where all job seekers meet in one place. Most employers attend career fairs when recruiting for specific jobs and use this opportunity to give information about their companies and employment opportunities available. It is advisable to arrive early at the career fair meetings and be sure to leave after you connect with at least two or three employers and recruiters.

Read More: Things to Consider When Finding a Job

Church groups and gatherings

Church gatherings are known to provide an open forum for informal networking with people who have a common spiritual belief.

Try attending such a forum and participate in after church service activities as you try to connect with various people who will eventually provide leads to your desired job.

Job club meetings

Ensure that you join a job search club consisting of a group of job seekers. Such a club will help you get an insight into new trends in your job search, and members in the club might recommend job leads and give advice as well as encouragement in your job search.

Moreover, members in the club may also help in identifying job openings that they may think are fit for their members. Besides, members in the club may help in giving feedback on your resumes and cover letters and aid you in preparation for an upcoming interview. Deductively, the power of networking should never be overlooked or discounted since it has proved to provide a platform where professionals, as well as friends, share knowledge and information. It is, therefore, an excellent way to hear about upcoming job opportunities and get a chance to work in a company of your choice.

Things to Consider When Finding a Job Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:46:22 +0000 There so many factors to consider as one prepares to find a suitable job in a highly diverse market.

Job titles and descriptions

To increase your chances of being hired in a specific company, have a good understanding of what different employers require. Always remember that job titles are not consistent and vary with different companies.

In this case, companies tend to refer to similar job functions different names, and it can be frustrating when you are looking up for new jobs. Do thorough research of the organizations that you wish to work for online and get to understand more about the job roles and the terms stipulated. After identifying your target employers, frequently check out the company’s job posting and get to know the titles used for the job you desire.

Decide if you want to work for a particular organization and apply for the job if your experience and skills match the advertised post. Remember that many employers use job titles to categorize positions in their organizations.

In this way, it is essential to use relevant job titles in your resume to give your prospective employer a quick review of your previous employment. Importantly, getting to know more about the job titles and descriptions will show you various positions that you can aspire for and the jobs you qualify for whenever you feel like changing your post in the future.

Reviewing salary trends

It is important to evaluate essential expenses and know what you have to earn to cater for all your costs. Thoroughly research the salary range in your target company and understand the amount of money you can honestly ask for during the interview.

Before you attend the job interview, set a salary range that you would be comfortable and happy with. To achieve this, ensure that you stalk various job vacancy websites that would help to give you a rough idea and estimate of what you are to earn based on your work experience years.

During the interview, make sure that you can live with the bottom end of the salary range given and make it clear to your employer if you cannot afford to live on the salary range offered. When asked about your salary expectations in the interview room, give a wide range. Give the hiring manager the reasons on why you should be higher on that salary range given by the company.

Support your reasons with previous accomplishments and show the manager that you can bring significant value to the company than other candidates, and for these reasons, you should receive higher pay. Always be confident in your skills and experience politely without being rude or arrogant.

Moreover, during the interview, always be psychologically prepared to walk away if the salary range is not realistic for you. Keep going with the job-seeking until something better comes up since accepting a lower number means that you will be unhappy, and it will have a negative impact on the way you feel about the job. Beware of the financial and non-monetary benefits available to you before signing any contractual agreement.

Must-haves for every job seeker

There are several things that every job seeker ought to have before applying for any other job.

Job interview questions

You should be able to answer the most common job interview questions appropriately. Most interviewers never miss to ask questions such as, “Tell me about yourself,” “How much do you know about this company?” and “Why should we hire you?” Be adequately prepared to answer such questions well without taking much time.


If you are invited to an interview, confidence is one of the critical factors that will convince the hiring manager to hire you.

Show up to an interview when you are composed enough to answer the questions with composure. To achieve this, before leaving for the interview, eat right, do not take too much caffeine, and as you wait to get to the interview room, take a deep breath, and compose yourself.

Listening skills

Learn how to listen during the interview and wait for your turn to talk. During the interview, your body language says a lot to the hiring manager, and it is advisable to engage in active listening. This entails nodding and occasionally leaning forward when an interviewer is speaking. As a result, this will indicate to the interviewer that you are actively engaged in the interview.

To boost your attentiveness during the interview, make sure that you have enough sleep the night before the interview. Remember, in an interview with two candidates who have similar skills, capabilities, and experience, one who has perfect active listening skills has a higher advantage of being hired than the one who doesn’t have excellent listening skills.

Read More: Preparation for Finding a Job

Make eye contact

Maintaining good eye contact during the interview is an integral part of making a good impression. If you don’t make good eye contact, the interviewer might think that you are dishonest with whatever you are saying. To the hiring manager, making eye contact makes you look confident, friendly, and warm.

However, avoid staring too long at the interviewer and let the eye contact come naturally since staring might make the other person feel uncomfortable.

Professional picture

Your LinkedIn profile picture ought to be professional as it will serve to portray the kind of person you are before your prospective employers. Potential employers who want to know more about you based on the first impression you make online will look at your social media profile.

Always remember that your profile picture in social media platforms has the power to make or even break the first impression.

Well-tailored resume

Your resume should not contain clichés and should instead have action words. Tailor your resume to contain a specific position with accomplishments.

An attractive cover letter

Your cover letter ought to introduce you, express your interest in the mentioned position, and serves to impress your reader enough to land you an interview.

Proper grammar and punctuation

Note that most hiring managers and employers are unforgiving when it comes to even the slightest grammatical mistakes they find in cover letters and resumes. Write correctly using the apostrophe well and learn to differentiate simple words such as there, they’re, and they’re.

Preparation for Finding a Job Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:39:38 +0000 Finding a job can be quite stressful, and it is, therefore, essential to know what to do when an opportunity arises. To be ready, the following are some of the things one can do in preparation for getting a job.

Self-critique and evaluation

Take some good time alone in a quiet place to think of your strengths and shortcomings and identify your passions and aspirations in a particular career. Identify the top skills that you feel more comfortable with and those skills that you need to work on seriously.

Having a self-evaluation before applying for a job will help you recall your most outstanding achievements that helped your previous organization meet specific goals and objectives. As a result, this will give your potential employer an insight into your strengths and your previous achievements.

Writing a resume

Write a resume that stands out from the others since it is an important document that gives a summary of a candidate’s work experience, accomplishments, and education. Beware that a well-constructed resume is one of the most important aspects that employers look for when looking for potential candidates in various fields.

To create a unique and robust resume, look for a professional in the field, you desire to have a close look over the resume you have written and work on the feedback given. Write your resume in a chronological order having the most recent accomplishments and work experience coming first.

A chronological resume, in this case, provides a potential employer with a quick and organized overview of the applicant’s work experience and institutional knowledge.

Writing a cover letter

Moreover, consult with a professional in the Career Service for guidance on how to construct a good cover letter. A cover letter, in this case, introduces and highlights your main accomplishments that fit a specific job and shows the potential employer the kind of job you’re seeking.

Ensure that the first paragraph of your cover letter is strong enough to encourage your reader to continue reading the rest of the letter. Your cover letter ought to highlight your most recent skills and credentials missing in your resume.

Illustrate and show your potential employer how your qualifications properly fit the position that you are applying for. Furthermore, explain how the mentioned qualifications will bring value to the company.

Importantly, do not include negative information about yourself in the cover letter. Only concentrate on the positives. Be brief and precise in your cover letter and write it on a single page since most employers do not have time to read many pages of the cover letters they receive.

End your cover letter on a strong professional note, and remember to proofread it to look up for typos and mistakes you may have made.

Personal contact information

In your application letter, remember to provide your personal contact information, including your cell phone numbers and email addresses. This will ensure that potential employers can reach you at any time.

Read More: Job Interview – After the Interview

Research about the target company

Before the interview, do some research about the company and know their vision and mission statement. Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the company’s history and the specific locality it is situated. Getting to know about the company’s annual reports, profile, and achievements will indicate to your prospective employer that you are interested in the organization.

Engage in mock job interviews

It is crucial to know what to expect in a meeting and practice beforehand.

Try to perform a mock-interview before a professional career counselor to build confidence and to review your skills. Furthermore, attend practice interview programs to meet with real recruiters and employers and to give you a chance to practice and review your interview skills.

With a mock-interview, it will significantly help you learn how to tackle possible questions in the interview. Consequently, you will be able to master interview strategies and improve your communication skills. As a result, mock job interviews will highly reduce your stress before the real job interview.

Maintain an online presence

Create or updated your LinkedIn profile and make it an invaluable resource for you to post your qualifications and achievements. Ensure that the information posted on LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, and other social media accounts is accurate since prospective employers can easily access it. In this case, having an outstanding profile will allow employers to review your available resume and give you alerts for a new job or even introduce you to different professionals who might require your skills in their own companies.

Frequently check your email accounts after you submit an application letter for a particular job.

It is advisable to send a follow-up email a few days after submitting the job application form since emails are quite convenient and can be read by potential employers at any time and responded quickly. Moreover, in your follow-up email, always begin with greeting your potential employer by name using titles such as Mr. or Ms. to show that you are respectful.

However, if you don’t know your potential employer’s name, address your follow-up email to the Hiring Manager or the Human Resource Manager of the company.

Also, in your follow-up email, mention the job position you had applied for by name and briefly highlight your qualifications. Remember to use polite language.

Investing in professional clothing

Invest in quality professional attire since the appearance, and the first impression matters a lot. A professional outfit will significantly ensure that you make a memorable and strong impression on the hiring manager during an interview.

Dress in a way that is professionally acceptable and appropriate to the position you had applied for. In most professions, wearing a suit is appropriate. This includes wearing a matching jacket and pants with well-coordinating shoes and socks. It is advisable to wear comfortable and well-fitting dark-colored suits with light-colored shirts.

Also, the clothing worn ought to be clean and neat and ensure that you shower in the morning before you attend the interview. Wear a mild deodorant and brush your teeth to have a fresh breath. Make sure that your hair is neat and clean.

Job Interview – After the Interview Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:36:53 +0000 After the interview, it’s time to wait. But the wait can be long, and it seems that the long-awaited call does not finish arriving. If you are in that situation, and you want or need to know if you have been caught, writing an interview follow-up email can clear up your doubts. But do you know how to do it? In this article we will tell you how to make a successful follow-up email after a job interview, not only to clarify your doubts but also to get the maximum advantage over other candidates. Here are some reasons why you should follow up after your interview:

Reasons to make a follow-up

The first reason to make a follow-up email is very simple. It is essential to write a follow-up email after the job interview so that the recruiter remembers you. Keep in mind that recruiters participate in several processes at the same time, interviewing many candidates every day, so it is normal that they do not clearly remember all the candidates, or all the answers. Take advantage of this email to differentiate yourself and remind them who you are.

It can help you highlight skills that you didn’t mention in the interview. Perhaps you forgot to say that you faced a similar challenge to the position you are applying for or that you have experience with certain clients or markets in which the company also operates.

You will be calmer after days thinking about your interview. Search processes are often delayed for reasons that are not inherent to the candidates and even to the search itself, so taking an active role by following up with the interviewer will allow you to find out the real status of the process.

It gives you an opportunity to stand out from other candidates who choose not to follow up. According to a survey published by CareerBuilder, almost 6 out of 10 applicants do not send thank you emails after an interview.

  • Ask how you should follow up
  • Keep some distance
  • Analyze how you did in the interview
  • Send a Thank You Note

Ask how you should follow up

Before you leave the interview room, ask your interviewers for a guideline on how you should follow up with the interview results, and who should get back to you.

Also, ask the hiring manager’s timeline for making a final decision on the interview.

Keep some distance

After the interview, get out of the interview building for a few meters to have an emotional distance.

As a result of this, you will be able to relax your nerves and decrease your chances of bumping into an interviewer.

Read More: Job Interview – During the Interview

Analyze how you did in the interview

It is crucial to review every detail of the interview after you get a little distance. Analyzing the interview will help you identify areas that you need to improve on in future interviews.

Send a Thank You Note

After the interview, ask for a business card from each person who interviewed you during the interview. Send each interviewer a thank you email reiterating your interest in the job and restate your qualifications and how you will make significant contributions to the company if given a chance.

Deductively, sending a thank you note leaves a lasting impression on the interviewer’s mind, and he might consider you for the job.

In a job market as competitive as the current one, an effective follow -up after the job interview is essential to stand out among the other candidates. It allows you not only to demonstrate your interest in the position, but also speaks of your proactivity and reflects an attitude of “making things happen” that will increase your chances of getting the job you are looking for.

Job Interview – During the Interview Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:34:37 +0000 When facing a job interview, each person has their tricks, their strategies and their methods to convey the best of themselves. In principle, there is no written manual that serves as an infallible guide to achieving the perfect interview. However, there is a list of things that you should avoid at all costs if you do not want to spoil your opportunity.

  • Personal grooming
  • Plan your schedule
  • Treat everyone you meet with the utmost respect
  • Encourage self-confidence
  • Body language
  • Make sure you are authentic and positive
  • Listen attentively
  • Ensure that you are concise and focused
  • Do not speak negatively about your previous company and employers
  • Tie your answers effectively with your skills

Personal grooming

On the interview day, eat right and do not take too much caffeine during breakfast.

Take a shower before you leave for the interview and wear a mild deodorant or perfume.

Ensure that your hair is clean and combed, shine your shoes, and make sure that your nails are clean and tidy.

Before you leave the house, ensure that your outfit is clean and check for holes, stains, and loose threads.

Read More: Job Interview – Before the Interview

Plan your schedule

Arrive at the interview location on time at least 15 minutes early.

If you are using public transport, come up with a back-up plan just in case there are closures, delays or traffic congestion.

When you arrive early at the interview venue, use the extra time to observe the workplace dynamics.

Treat everyone you meet with the utmost respect

Whoever you meet on your way to the interview, including security personnel on the interview building, people you come across in the parking lot, or the receptionist on the front desk deserves to be treated with respect.

Greet everyone you meet politely, pleasantly, and enthusiastically as though they are the hiring manager since your potential employer might ask for their feedback.

Encourage self-confidence

Before you are called to enter the interview room, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly to manage feelings of anxiety and discomfort.

Be calm and confident in your skills, and take a few minutes to encourage yourself.

Body language

In the interview room, watch your body language and practice good manners.

Note that the interviewer should extend their hand first to initiate a handshake.

As you stand, look at the interviewer in the eye and smile then give a firm handshake.

Articulate your points fluently and be audible enough to the interviewers in the room.

Make sure you are authentic and positive

Try to be truthful and genuine in the interview conversation as most interviewers find honesty respectable.

Do not shy away from saying that you don’t know when asked about something you have no clue about.

Show positivity in the interview room with a smile to keep the interview light and constructive.

Listen attentively

Pay attention to the interviewer, nod occasionally, and look interested in the conversation.

It is essential to pay attention in order to give good responses during the interview.

Listen to the interviewer; take time before you respond if you need to compose an appropriate response.

Ensure that you are concise and focused

During the interview, ensure that your answers are brief and clear to the interviewer.

Remember, your time with the interviewer is limited, and other interviewees might be waiting in line.

Practicing your answers beforehand can help you to be focused during the interview.

Do not speak negatively about your previous company and employers

During the interview, focus on what you gained from your past experiences and what you plan to do next

Note that most companies always want to hire candidates who can be problem solvers and who can overcome tough situations.

Tie your answers effectively with your skills

As you try to answer questions in the interview, it is crucial that you tie your answers with your accomplishments.

To achieve this, during the interview, give clear examples of solutions and results that you achieved previously.

Job Interview – Before the Interview Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:30:17 +0000 An interview refers to a formal meeting normally carried out by hiring managers or employers of individual companies to evaluate and ascertain a candidate’s qualifications for a specific job. Therefore, to make a lasting impression on your prospective employer, the following are essential tips that you need to take in preparation to secure a job offer before the interview, during the interview, and even after the interview.

Before you attend any other interview, it is crucial to set aside time to do the following:

  • Research your target company
  • Re-read and analyze the job description
  • Write down job-specific and behavioral interview questions
  • Practice answering interview questions
  • Prepare a list of references
  • Prepare questions for your interviewers
  • Have your interview outfit ready
  • Get clear directions
  • Prepare items to take to the interview

Research your target company

Company research is a vital part of interview preparation that will help you get into an interview room with confidence. Some days to the interview, ensure that you can find out about the company. To achieve this, check out the company’s website and specifically visit the “About Us” page. With this, you will be able to find out the company’s culture, and it will help you to know whether the company is fit for you or not.

Moreover, read magazines and articles on the website about the company to understand how the company operates and its difference with other companies in the region. Company reviews from former employees and clients are also an important aspect to help you get an understanding of the company. Importantly, you can also find information about the company by tapping into your network. Seek opinions from trusted friends and associates who can give you an inside understanding of the company’s culture.

Re-read and analyze the job description

Take time to review the job description and understand the specific skills that the company is looking for in a candidate.

Write the skills, personal, and professional qualities that are required by the company on a note pad and match them with the qualities that you possess as an individual.

Ascertain whether your professional qualifications, work experiences, certifications, skills, and abilities match the job requirements.

Furthermore, think of specific examples from past work experiences that match the job requirements and write them down in preparation to demonstrate a time when you used a particular skill or ability.

Write down job-specific and behavioral interview questions

Job-specific interview questions are typically asked by the hiring manager to measure a candidate’s ability to perform the duties of a specific job and to determine whether you have the knowledge and skills required.

Take time to thoroughly review the job-specific questions and figure out how best to respond.

To have a good idea about the type of questions to be asked on the job you are applying for, review the job-specific questions and sample answers from the internet.

On the contrary, behavioral interview questions seek clear and concrete examples of experiences and skills that relate to the job position.

Therefore, be prepared to be asked how you handled a particularly challenging situation.

With this, you will have to respond with an explanation of what you did, and your response is expected to be a positive indicator of your success.

Practice answering interview questions

Take some time rehearsing possible answers to interview questions that might be asked.

Be prepared to answer open-ended questions about yourself generally asked by the interviewers to get an insight into your personality and to determine whether you are fit for the company and the job.

It is advisable to begin with, an overview of where you are currently, maybe your current job, followed by how you got to where you are in terms of education and experience, and lastly, end with briefly mentioning your goal for the future.

Practice interviewing with a family member or a close friend two days or a day before the interview.

For instance, if it is a phone interview, ask a friend to call you and practice answering possible questions to be asked over the phone, and if it is a panel interview, have a group of friends to pretend to be a panel.

As a result, you will be able to calm your nerves since you won’t have to fidget and scramble for answers on the hot interview seat.

Read More: Job Interview – During the Interview

Prepare a list of references

Have a list of references prepared before the interview as most hiring managers ask for it before the interview begins or after the interview.

Recruiters may a times have to contact people on your reference list as part of the hiring process to know more about your professional history and job performance.

It is therefore advisable to prepare a list of reliable contacts that will be able to communicate your excellent professional attributes.

Prepare questions for your interviewers

Be ready to engage your interviewers since interviews are not a one-way street.

It is a give and take conversation, and your potential employers expect you to ask questions about how it would be like to work in their company.

Therefore, have questions of your own to ask the interviewers in a bid to build a relationship.

Questions such as, “Would you please explain some of the responsibilities that this job entails?” will act as positive indicators to the interviewers that you are seriously thinking of how it is to work in their company.

Have your interview outfit ready

Avoid a last-minute rush and ensure that your interview clothes are prepared some days before the interview.

Your professional outfit ought to be neat and tidy to have a positive and lasting impression on the employer, even if you are applying for a job in a casual environment.

Get clear directions

It is vital to get clear directions of the interview venue to avoid getting late to the interview.

Program your GPS or use your Google maps to get the routes and directions to the company if you are not sure of where you are going.

However, if you have enough time, it is advisable to visit the company before the day of the interview to be sure of where you will be going and how long it would take to get there.

Prepare items to take to the interview

If the company building has security personnel, carry your identification card since you may be asked to show your identification.

Have a notepad and a pen to write down the name of the person interviewing you and company information. Besides, prepare copies of your resume to be distributed in the interview room upon request.

Motivate Your Employees Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:21:13 +0000 Motivation in companies is a fundamental key variable for the success, productivity or efficiency of our workers. The art of motivating is what defines a good leader. Motivation becomes one of the keys to the success of the modern company, being one of the most productive investments for a company.

Companies that have motivated staff present better results. These highly motivated people perform better in their jobs, are more productive and achieve the objectives set by the company more easily and efficiently. All these results represent a benefit for the workers but also for the company of which they are part, and they are in the hands of the leader who directs the team. There are many theories about human motivation, although in this article we will base ourselves on guidelines to achieve the motivation and involvement of a company’s employees. Some guidelines that can help us develop this motivation are:

Must offer feedback to the members

As leaders we must offer feedback to the members of our team, showing how the processes are being carried out and if we consider that they are being carried out correctly or incorrectly. This feedback should always be done with the aim of improving, never with the aim of punishing.

Acknowledge and appreciate good work. If our employees do a good job, we have to recognize and thank them, in this way we reinforce this type of behavior and promote their continuation.

Take care of the work environment. Working in a comfortable and relaxed environment, where employees can express their ideas freely, improves their motivation.

Establish communication channels

Establish communication channels. It is essential that employees know details of the company and its processes so that they feel involved in it. Workers must feel part of the company and we will facilitate this through fluid and transparent internal communication.

Promotes responsibility and autonomy. Any worker seeks to be responsible and autonomous in their work. If we allow the employee to make decisions and feel responsible for his work, we will make him more motivated to be autonomous and self-sufficient. If we punish these initiatives, we will only achieve workers dependent on our decisions.

Set an example

Set an example. If we want our workers to be motivated, we as leaders must also show ourselves in this way. We cannot demand something that we do not comply with, so we must set an example with our own actions.

Facilitates professional growth. By creating internal career plans, offering continuous training opportunities or allowing workers to face new challenges in their day-to-day, you make it easier for the worker to improve personally and professionally, avoiding monotony and stagnation.

Be honest. Do not blame employees for your own failures, or appropriate the ideas of others. Celebrate team success by being clear and transparent about your own failures and the successes of others.

Do not punish innovation. When a team innovates and is creative, it risks making mistakes. We should not be harsh or punish failure, take it as a possibility for improvement. In this case, failure is not trying.

Read More: How to create a positive work environment?

Spend time with employees

Spend time with employees. Talk to them, learn about their concerns or strengths. Dedicate time to each of the people you work with, quality time in which you pay attention to their difficulties and facilities.

With these guidelines and with others that you will discover in the day to day of your company, you will be able to motivate your team to achieve optimal results in their work. We must work on motivation every day, not neglecting the people who make up our team. These guidelines may require an effort but do not doubt that the results will be very positive.

Common Interview Mistakes Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:15:53 +0000 A job interview is not just any event, it is an evaluation of yourself, your skills, knowledge, talent and benefits that you offer to the company. For several minutes the spotlights will be on you, so it is better that you dedicate time to your previous training. No athlete, no matter how good, wins a competition without preparing hard first. You will face candidates with more experience and knowledge than you. 

Remember the philosophy of Vince Lombardi, the renowned American football coach: “Winning is not the most important thing. It is the only thing!”

Be punctual

The job interview is THE moment when you have to seduce the recruiter. If you’re late on the day when you should be on top, what to expect after the fourth month of working on a difficult project? Do you arrive every day after 11 am? Be sure to write down the telephone numbers that you can call in the event of a problem.

Know yourself

As a candidate, you must provide your interviewer with reasons for wanting to hire you. To do this, you will tell him about your studies and the companies where you have worked, but that will not interest him. What he wants is for you to explain to him in detail what you can do, what you have done, and what you want to do. Detail the work you have done during your previous professional experiences and/or your study projects. Explain the problems you encountered, the solutions you applied, what you learned. State whether you worked alone or as part of a team, and then explain your role.

When you have to pull the worms out of the candidate’s nose. You have to sell yourself. After the third time the recruiter asks you to tell him more, to go into detail, to prove your technical knowledge, something should “Tilt” in your head. Reverse the trend, take the lead: it is better that the recruiter asks you to skip over certain aspects rather than risk missing out on certain information that could be important.

When the candidate no longer remembers what he did just 2 years ago. An interview is getting ready. Go over your CV at least once, and take the time to remember the important details – those that are worth telling – about your experiences. If a line on your CV is so uninteresting that you have nothing to say about it, why is it there?

Not researching and getting to know the company

You must know its mission, vision, values, what challenges or objectives the organization has in the area you want to enter. That is, if the vacancy is in the finance area, you should investigate as much information as possible and turn it into a strength for you. Get to know your top customers and why they are loyal to the organization. What do you recognize in it to continue being your customers? If you arrive without having the slightest idea of ​​the activity of the company in which you are applying, you risk being cataloged as a person who is in the habit of sending hundreds of resumes across the country. How can you be interested in yourself if you don’t seem to care at all about where you might be

working? Maybe you did some research, but it didn’t turn up anything conclusive. Do not hesitate to say so!

Read More: Job Interview – Before the Interview

Similarly, if the job posting or job description contained names or acronyms that you don’t know (name of programming language, technology, or other), take the time to research on the Internet. Then tell the recruiter that you didn’t know about this thing, but that you were interested in it and that it opens up new possibilities for you. On the other hand, don’t make the mistake of saying that you know this techno, just after reading its definition on Wikipedia. Be certain that the recruiter will realize this quickly.

Turn off that cell phone

If we invented the vibrator mode, it’s not for nothing. A phone ringing during an interview is annoying. When it rings a second time, it becomes annoying. When it’s followed by an SMS, it becomes a problem. I have the courtesy to switch off my phone at the beginning of the interview, the minimum is that you do the same. If unfortunately you didn’t think of it, apologize on the first call, and switch off your mobile immediately. Don’t take the risk that it rings again (especially if you have a very funny but completely stupid ringtone). And above all, above all, do not pick up! Do not laugh, a candidate has already done the trick to me during an interview.

Bring several copies of your CV

If you arrive with your hands in your pockets, what clue can you give as to your desire to get the job? Please, when someone asks you “Do you have a copy of your CV?” do not answer “It is available on the Internet, you can print it”! This is like saying that it is up to the recruiter to take the time that you did not want to take yourself. The most “fun” is that very often the big problem is not for the recruiter, but for the poor candidate who finds himself trying to present his background without the support of his curriculum.

Ask questions

Too often when the recruiter asks the interviewee, “Do you have any questions?” Answering “No” is a serious mistake. Do not forget that the company is interested in you and you have the right to know what it offers you and if it is convenient for you to be part of its team. Question: How many stages does the selection process consist of? How long does it last? What benefits does the company offer its workers? What professional growth plan does the company have? When should I start working? Am I hired? Among others.

How to create a positive work environment? Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:10:42 +0000 If you are wondering what is a positive work environment? Here are some signs that will help you: Does the job matches your skill set, there is room to grow professionally, You are doing work you love, You are happy at work, You are recognized when you do a good job, You feel appreciated, You feel like part of a team, You foster your creativity, You love going to work, Your boss is approachable, or Your ideas are valued

Are you interested in knowing how to create a positive environment in your work? All of us have worked in places where it was not exciting to get up in the morning to go to work, it is a horrible feeling. It is much more pleasant and less stressful to go to a work environment that is full of positivity and where you can enjoy yourself.

A positive work environment is not only important to our physical, mental and emotional health, it is also important to the results we produce for the company. The better off we are at work, the more likely we are to take pride in our work activities and be more loyal to our workplace.

Accept your position

The first step in creating a positive work environment is to make sure that you are in a position that positively suits you. Before accepting a position, you should know what your key competencies are: What kind of work do you want to do? What kind of role do you want to play? Where do you see yourself in five years? And the type of environment in which you want to thrive. Knowing the answers to these questions will help you spot job opportunities that meet those criteria, giving you a serious jump start on your career development.

Be a positive person

Have an attitude of positivity and accessibility at all times. Show co-workers that you are available and willing to help them. Walk around with a smile and make eye contact with people passing through the halls. Be kind and nice. Speak with encouragement, civility and respect. Ask questions before making assumptions. Make it fun to work with you. Listen to others with interest and lastly do not complain, whine or gossip.

Read More: Motivate Your Employees

Take responsibility

Take responsibility for the direction of your professional career. Ultimately you are responsible for creating an environment in which to learn and grow. The longer you stay in a “dead end” job, the harder it will be to maintain a positive attitude. If you are not satisfied with the current direction of your career, let your boss know if you want to stay with the company, otherwise he will look for another job where you feel he is a better option.

Communicate with your boss

Meet with your boss regularly to make sure you’re on track to meet your performance goal expectations. Don’t always wait for your boss to approach you. Inform him about the status of the activities you are carrying out, he shows that you are a trustworthy person, that you are interested in the business and that you are committed to your work. You can even consider sending a weekly report indicating what you are working on, what has been completed and what is pending.

Be social

Interact with your co-workers in a way that is not work-related. Join a team that has the company. Bring some games that can be played during your meal time. Celebrate birthdays and other special events. Cultivate work friendships. Host a sporting event. There are so many things you can do to connect with others at work. Stay positive in the face of the problem presented, with the team members, present them with solutions. Focusing on part of the problem, and looking for solutions together.

How to Sell Yourself Well During an Interview? Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:03:51 +0000 From the start of the interview, you must not allow yourself to be locked up (or locked up yourself) in a child-adult relationship. Finally, finding the right attitude during an interview is not easy.

First step: knowing how to introduce yourself. Don’t pull out your resume right away. The presence of the CV may initially reassure you, but it may ultimately harm you. Indeed, this gesture can be perceived as a refusal of communication and an escape from dialogue. Your interlocutor may believe that by hiding behind your CV, you are trying to hide weaknesses that could be unmasked during a direct confrontation. In the same way, when the recruiter asks you about your past experiences, do not send him back to your CV by saying “It is written on my CV”. Simply answer their questions.

Have a professional attitude as soon as you enter the premises of the establishment. Pay attention to your posture while you wait, take the time to turn off your laptop and take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the environment. Be courteous and smiling with everyone you meet.

To the standard questions

What good reasons would we have to hire you? Know how to prepare your answer. A word of advice: go straight to the point.

The question is both crucial and quite common, two good reasons to prepare the answer in advance. You will have to concentrate in three or four sentences the main arguments that make you the ideal candidate. Again, no need to procrastinate. Now is the time to place a summary of your sales pitch. Quickly go over the qualities that most candidates will be able to present (adaptability, availability, mobility, etc.). On the other hand, insist on your competitive advantages, the strong points of which you estimate to have the quasi-exclusivity. These are the differences that will make the… difference, precisely. Your objective is simple, at the end of your answer, your interlocutor must be convinced of the excellence of your application, nothing less!

Read More: Why should we hire you?

What are your qualities? What are your faults?

Essential during a job interview, these two questions also come in the form: “What are your strengths?” Your weak points? What aspects of your personality do you want to improve? “. The recruiter here expects you to be honest and know how to reflect on yourself. The best thing is to try to remain natural and not sell an image that is not yours. However, the natural is preparing, because it is better to have clear ideas about your strengths and weaknesses to hold a coherent speech.

Responses to avoid: “I don’t think I have any weak points”: especially not! That would make you look like a proud lacking perspective. Be careful not to cite faults that are contraindicated for this position: “I am shy” will not pass well for a salesperson.      

Avoid settling for cliché answers, “I am very rigorous”, “I am a perfectionist: it is a quality as well as a fault” or even “As I am often told, I am very dynamic”. Be more specific and give concrete examples: “I have a good ability to assess priorities, for example in such and such a project…” In any case, stay on the professional field and avoid too personal answers.

Look your recruiter in the eye, stand up straight, and be smiling, because in human relations, a smile is essential.

You can then sit frankly in your chair, and put yourself at ease without slouching. Be careful not to invade the recruiter’s space. Do not spread out on his desk, it is better to bring a rigid folder that can serve as a support when you have to take notes. Similarly, a recruiter will prefer that you move the seat intended for you a few centimeters back, in order to give everyone their space. Once the interview begins, be proactive, take a few notes, adopt a fluid tone and stay in listen to your interlocutor. If you face several recruiters, take care to scan the audience.

End of interview

At the end of the interview, don’t forget to thank him, and to ask him when and how you will reconnect. Do not hesitate to raise the question of remuneration if this was not done during the interview. The recruiter will see this as a sign of additional interest in the position, as Bernard Cau points out: “you shouldn’t be afraid to talk about your salary expectations, you don’t offer skills for free”.

Having the right attitude during an interview and adopting the right language can be learned and above all prepared according to your interlocutor, the type of company and the position for which you are applying. Another sensitive point because feared by candidates: the famous tests that we can offer you. Preparing for these recruitment tests requires following a few simple rules.

Finally, know not to be thrown off balance. There is a good chance that you will one day come across a recruiter who will do everything to destabilize you. Consider it a game, an exercise, and in some ways it can be fun!
