Job Interview – During the Interview


When facing a job interview, each person has their tricks, their strategies and their methods to convey the best of themselves. In principle, there is no written manual that serves as an infallible guide to achieving the perfect interview. However, there is a list of things that you should avoid at all costs if you do not want to spoil your opportunity.

  • Personal grooming
  • Plan your schedule
  • Treat everyone you meet with the utmost respect
  • Encourage self-confidence
  • Body language
  • Make sure you are authentic and positive
  • Listen attentively
  • Ensure that you are concise and focused
  • Do not speak negatively about your previous company and employers
  • Tie your answers effectively with your skills

Personal grooming

On the interview day, eat right and do not take too much caffeine during breakfast.

Take a shower before you leave for the interview and wear a mild deodorant or perfume.

Ensure that your hair is clean and combed, shine your shoes, and make sure that your nails are clean and tidy.

Before you leave the house, ensure that your outfit is clean and check for holes, stains, and loose threads.

Read More: Job Interview – Before the Interview

Plan your schedule

Arrive at the interview location on time at least 15 minutes early.

If you are using public transport, come up with a back-up plan just in case there are closures, delays or traffic congestion.

When you arrive early at the interview venue, use the extra time to observe the workplace dynamics.

Treat everyone you meet with the utmost respect

Whoever you meet on your way to the interview, including security personnel on the interview building, people you come across in the parking lot, or the receptionist on the front desk deserves to be treated with respect.

Greet everyone you meet politely, pleasantly, and enthusiastically as though they are the hiring manager since your potential employer might ask for their feedback.

Encourage self-confidence

Before you are called to enter the interview room, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly to manage feelings of anxiety and discomfort.

Be calm and confident in your skills, and take a few minutes to encourage yourself.

Body language

In the interview room, watch your body language and practice good manners.

Note that the interviewer should extend their hand first to initiate a handshake.

As you stand, look at the interviewer in the eye and smile then give a firm handshake.

Articulate your points fluently and be audible enough to the interviewers in the room.

Make sure you are authentic and positive

Try to be truthful and genuine in the interview conversation as most interviewers find honesty respectable.

Do not shy away from saying that you don’t know when asked about something you have no clue about.

Show positivity in the interview room with a smile to keep the interview light and constructive.

Listen attentively

Pay attention to the interviewer, nod occasionally, and look interested in the conversation.

It is essential to pay attention in order to give good responses during the interview.

Listen to the interviewer; take time before you respond if you need to compose an appropriate response.

Ensure that you are concise and focused

During the interview, ensure that your answers are brief and clear to the interviewer.

Remember, your time with the interviewer is limited, and other interviewees might be waiting in line.

Practicing your answers beforehand can help you to be focused during the interview.

Do not speak negatively about your previous company and employers

During the interview, focus on what you gained from your past experiences and what you plan to do next

Note that most companies always want to hire candidates who can be problem solvers and who can overcome tough situations.

Tie your answers effectively with your skills

As you try to answer questions in the interview, it is crucial that you tie your answers with your accomplishments.

To achieve this, during the interview, give clear examples of solutions and results that you achieved previously.