Motivate Your Employees


Motivation in companies is a fundamental key variable for the success, productivity or efficiency of our workers. The art of motivating is what defines a good leader. Motivation becomes one of the keys to the success of the modern company, being one of the most productive investments for a company.

Companies that have motivated staff present better results. These highly motivated people perform better in their jobs, are more productive and achieve the objectives set by the company more easily and efficiently. All these results represent a benefit for the workers but also for the company of which they are part, and they are in the hands of the leader who directs the team. There are many theories about human motivation, although in this article we will base ourselves on guidelines to achieve the motivation and involvement of a company’s employees. Some guidelines that can help us develop this motivation are:

Must offer feedback to the members

As leaders we must offer feedback to the members of our team, showing how the processes are being carried out and if we consider that they are being carried out correctly or incorrectly. This feedback should always be done with the aim of improving, never with the aim of punishing.

Acknowledge and appreciate good work. If our employees do a good job, we have to recognize and thank them, in this way we reinforce this type of behavior and promote their continuation.

Take care of the work environment. Working in a comfortable and relaxed environment, where employees can express their ideas freely, improves their motivation.

Establish communication channels

Establish communication channels. It is essential that employees know details of the company and its processes so that they feel involved in it. Workers must feel part of the company and we will facilitate this through fluid and transparent internal communication.

Promotes responsibility and autonomy. Any worker seeks to be responsible and autonomous in their work. If we allow the employee to make decisions and feel responsible for his work, we will make him more motivated to be autonomous and self-sufficient. If we punish these initiatives, we will only achieve workers dependent on our decisions.

Set an example

Set an example. If we want our workers to be motivated, we as leaders must also show ourselves in this way. We cannot demand something that we do not comply with, so we must set an example with our own actions.

Facilitates professional growth. By creating internal career plans, offering continuous training opportunities or allowing workers to face new challenges in their day-to-day, you make it easier for the worker to improve personally and professionally, avoiding monotony and stagnation.

Be honest. Do not blame employees for your own failures, or appropriate the ideas of others. Celebrate team success by being clear and transparent about your own failures and the successes of others.

Do not punish innovation. When a team innovates and is creative, it risks making mistakes. We should not be harsh or punish failure, take it as a possibility for improvement. In this case, failure is not trying.

Read More: How to create a positive work environment?

Spend time with employees

Spend time with employees. Talk to them, learn about their concerns or strengths. Dedicate time to each of the people you work with, quality time in which you pay attention to their difficulties and facilities.

With these guidelines and with others that you will discover in the day to day of your company, you will be able to motivate your team to achieve optimal results in their work. We must work on motivation every day, not neglecting the people who make up our team. These guidelines may require an effort but do not doubt that the results will be very positive.