Why should we hire you?


A question often asked during an application interview, but also a question that is often answered very badly. The most frequent answers are:

“You should hire me because I have excellent team spirit”

“Because I need money”

“Because I am able to work hard”

We can tell you in advance that these are not the answers we recruiters want to hear. Your answer must indeed distinguish you from others, which is not the case with the answers above. The answer to this question is decisive for the result of the application interview and therefore makes the difference between a contract and no contract. It’s time to sell yourself to your future employer! Do it!

Another answer could be: “My CV perfectly matches the job requirements and I have the necessary experience and skills. I know the products and services offered by the company. I am therefore the ideal person for this function. » Not bad… You have enough information to give a good answer to this important question. But nothing could be less true! All those who are invited to an application interview have indeed passed the first round. This means that all candidates, your competitors, meet the job requirements and have the necessary experience and skills. So you have to find something else to distinguish yourself, but what? To be able to give the ultimate answer to the question, you must first know why the question is asked.

Why Do Recruiters Ask This Question?

The task of the recruiter is to find the best person for the position to be filled. Recruiters often have several suitable candidates to choose from. Especially today when competition in the labor market is intense. There is therefore a good chance that the winning candidate will obtain better than average scores and bring some extras compared to the standard job requirements. For a recruiter, it is essential that the candidate he chooses perform well during the period envisaged. It is indeed on this aspect that the recruiter will be evaluated.

When he asks the question “Why do we have to hire you?” so he wants you to give a strong answer. He wants you to stand out from the rest. He wants you to give an answer that reassures him that you are the right candidate.

The Ultimate Answer

The ultimate answer is unfortunately not a ready-made answer that you can use in all circumstances. Every company, every position and every job posting is indeed different. This means that the answer to this question can therefore never be the same and unfortunately we cannot answer it for you. You will have to provide your own answer to the question, but we can help you.

The ultimate answer to the question consists of two parts: The part in which you really stand out from others and the part in which you make the link between the points mentioned in the first part and the function for which you are applying.

What Sets You Apart From Others?

Distinguishing yourself is the easiest thing there is. You do indeed all your life, consciously or unconsciously. From the moment you are born, you perform better than others in certain areas, and vice versa. Often you are not aware of it, because it is automatic. It’s something you find obvious. Something that is difficult for others and easy for you. Your talents are exactly what the recruiter is looking for. Unique qualities that allow you to distinguish yourself from all the other candidates.

Read More: How to Sell Yourself Well During an Interview?

Connect your skills with the Job

After having identified and recognized your talents, they must be associated with the function for which you are applying and the corresponding tasks. This is often a little less difficult than the first part, because your talents and your natural sources of motivation have already pointed you in a certain direction.

If all goes well, you have made certain educational or career choices during your life  that correspond to what makes your heart beat a little faster. Branches in which you were good or that you appreciated determined the rest of your training. Some courses and certificates not only show what you can do, but also what interests you.

Often (in fact, always should!) your talents match the job you’re applying for. The only thing left for you to do is to justify your (unique) added value. Do this with the help of concrete examples that directly give a good idea to the recruiter.

Don’t forget that the recruiter must find a lasting match between you and the function. If you can passionately relate something that you love to do in your life, that you are good at, that you are able to do better than the other candidates AND prove that it is relevant to the position promised, you have given an answer that the recruiter really wants to hear.

Men and women who exploit their talents are happier. They are more motivated and therefore more productive. The energy they give off has a positive effect on the other people on the pitch. They are satisfied with their work and will therefore leave less quickly.